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Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 4, 2020

What Is Your 10 Minute Awakening Meditation Review ?

My fellow spiritual being…

I have a message to share with you.
From deep beyond the known universe, from the eternal source of truth…
A place you’ve known of all your life, and may have even connected with during rare moments of deep meditation and prayer…
You've heard the stories…
Where your spirit escapes your physical body and for that moment, that precious and cherished moment, you are "ONE".

But what if I told you there was not only a way to access that synchronised state at will... but begin using it to transform your financial future starting in the next 24 hours? 
You see dear, you were guided to this page by something far greater than yourself today…
A divine message that's been eagerly awaiting your arrival, so read carefully and don't miss this celestial gift that just landed like a butterfly in the palm of your hand...

Because Right Now Is Your Time…

Time to open the floodgates to a river of IMMEDIATE CASHFLOWand unlimited potential that has been stored away inside you
It is time to AWAKEN!
Awaken to your wildest dreams becoming every day reality...
Awaken to endless rivers of cash-flow making their way to your front door...
Awaken to the closest kept secret of the super-rich... 

Imagine the feeling of seeing everything you ever imagined come to fruition, as you reach complete harmony with all there ever was and all that there ever will be...
Imagine having the ability to reach this magical place anytime you wish...

Imagine welcoming $100's of new dollars into your life daily as you begin... release the stresses and burdens of your daily life!
The hailstorm of to-do’s, your job, your bills, your family, your errands…
You desperately need a place to escape, to recharge, to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit… to fill up your cup with new hope, to not only replenish yourself but also your closest loved ones...
Because without that place, you will be unable to life your life to the fullest, and experience the 
divine destiny you were called to live out!

What is this divine message you may wonder?

A message so special and transformative it has the potential to change your life within minutes of harnessing it.. and change everything you THINK you know about the universe almost overnight?
A message that can unshackle you from the money struggles, the unfulfilling relationships, the low self confidence, the deep rooted hurt... and replace it with abundance, affluence and new wealth.
The message is simple, and one you may already know deep within.
And the message is this:


Your world, your experiences, your thoughts and emotions… everything you know is in fact all just a dream.
And if this has shocked you to hear… ask yourself this:

Do you dream at night?

Indulge me for a moment, because this is very important.
The truth is, you dream almost every single night as you fall asleep (whether you can remember these dreams or not)...
But how exactly is it possible that you rarely even notice?
Have you ever experienced a dream that feels so real, so detailed, so authentic that you had to “wake up” to realize it was actually "just a dream…"
Then you KNOW the power of this magical place, only found in peaceful slumber.
In your dreams, you are building entire worlds like an architect designing the Empire State Building… only in this dream state, there are no RULES. The laws that govern us on this earth simply don’t apply...
You are able to move around the world you design at will, shapeshifting. You are able to experience the world in 3rd person, like a character in a video game.
You are able to do and be things you only imagined of in your conscious reality.
Because in your dreams, you truly are LIMITLESS...
And in the next 10 minutes, I’ll show you how you can access the very same power of your limitless dream state, while being fully awake and present in your every day reality!

A secret so powerful, used by the worlds most powerfulbillionaires and enlightened beings alike…

A secret that allows you to give perfect instructions to the universe for how much of your limitless fortune you wish to tap into - and it delivers!

I had to survive a freak accident to discover this myself.
But you my dear... you won't have none of that.
You get to skip ahead to the banquet of celestial treats that are just around the corner:
A healthy and radiant body you are proud to show off in even the most crowded of rooms...
That ability to call to light the perfect relationship, where both people feel heard and loved
Enough money not to ever feel the stress of making a livingor paying your bills ever again…
I'm talking REAL money...

CASH that you can withdraw from an ATM, that ONLY came into being because you wished for it to be so...
Like wishing on a shooting star, except these shooting stars don't just pass once in a blue moon.. they fly by EVERY NIGHT.
How much will you wish for tonight?
$100... to get your hair done?
$500... to whisk you and your partner away to a lovers retreat?
$1,000... $5,000 or more... To finally take that all inclusive Hawaii vacation you've been dreaming of for years...

I’ll explain exactly how this secret works in the next few minutes, so please my fellow spiritual one, continue to read. You are destined to receive this message. This calling.
I don’t know how long this page will be online, so if you leave and come back don’t be too surprised if it’s gone. Today is your day to hear this.

Are you ready?

It’s finally time for you to discover...
“The Vibrational Phenomenon.” but first... let me introduce myself...
I’m Paul Thomas, a professional life coach, yoga practitioner, and a deep believer in destiny.
More importantly, I’m about to take you by the hand on a magical journey to awaken your true potential for unlimited abundance in just 10 Minutes A Day...
I stumbled upon this beautiful secret many years ago... after a series of unfortunate events had me draw a line in the sand and start to re-write the story of my life...
Almost my entire adult life up until this point I struggled to make ends meet
It was often so bad that I would actively avoid looking at my bank balance in an attempt to trick myself into thinking that it wasn't a problem...
Because if I didn't see it, it wasn't there... right?
I came to realise that everything I believed about money had been programmed into me since I was 6 years old...

Let me take you back to my childhood...

...I always dreamed of going to Disneyland as a child. I would beg my parents every year for the chance to go just ONE time, but we never had the money.

I would imagine myself standing there, talking to my favorite characters and just for a brief moment being able to escape the sadness of my day to day life.
We were incredibly broke.

in fact, I still remember the embarrassment of going to school with the same pair of holey trainers for an entire year.
It made me feel like an outsider..
I would see the other kids wearing new clothes, riding bicycles and going on summer vacations... whilst I would look on and wish that I could be more like them
As I grew up my parents would tell me that "those other parents had been dealt a lucky hand in life."
That they worked just as hard but were never given a fair chance.
My dad would complain about getting passed up for promotion every year, and my mom had been stuck working in the same cleaning job for 8 years without a pay rise.

It didn't fill me with much hope...

I remember one time asking my dad why he couldn't just go and make more money... he replied:
"This is just the way it is, son... some people have a lot, some people don't"
I carried the weight of his words with me everywhere I went...
Years later I found myself falling into the same cycle as my parents...
I had somehow ended up in corporate america,  working 45 hours a week doing compliance for an insurance company.
Every day I would drag myself into work, sit with a stack ofpapers and a ball point pen, and have to check every single sentence formistakes...

My only salvation? The 6 minutes I would get in the morning to drink a coffee before becoming a robot for the rest of the day.

I hated it. The environment was negative, the conversations were shallow and every day I would wake up knowing that...was draining my energy......was barely keeping the lights on.
I had a stack of papers sitting on my living room coffee table about as tall as the stack in work, and it would weigh in the back of my mind - haunting me as I went about my day...
Bills... late payments... unfiled taxes...

I knew that if I didn't figure things out soon, my life was going to get real bad, real quick...
and that's exactly what happened...

in one foul swoop... it all came crashing down!

Our entire department was being let go!
They were replacing us with an overseas company and we had 2 weeks before every person in the office had to find a new job...
A wave of terror washed over me as reality started to sink in
The mountain of bills at home that was at the back of my mind was now front and center, and I was starting to panic!
I remember thinking this is the worst day of my life!
But when I arrived home my problems escalated...

I was greeted by an eviction notice pinned to my front door...

Amongst the pile of unpaid bills in my living room were a number of letters warning me that another missed payment was grounds for immediate eviction... and I missed the payment!
The elephant in the room that I had been ignoring for months had finally grown up, and was now destroying my life...
I fell on the couch and stared at the floor as the weight of the situation became too much for me to bare...
I had nobody to call... I didn't even have anyone to talk to...
The pressure was so heavy that I was on the verge of giving up.
little did I know this was the universe preparing me for what was about to come...

Something that literally killed me, leaving me clinically dead for almost 10 minutes...

At this point, my life was a wreck.
I had just spent the last money I had on a winter jacket that would prepare me for the cold nights on the street...
When I got a call from my cousin…
He had inherited a small chain of motels a few years back and was in town celebrating the opening of his new motel just off the highway from where I lived.
After telling him about what had happened to me, he offered to let me stay in a room that hadn't yet been furnished at the motel until things started picking up...

I looked at the digital clock on the bedside cabinet...
the time read 11:11…
That night, FATE “took the wheel.”
I was feeling terrible,

My cousin did his best to cheer me up, but I couldn't take my mind off how my life was panning out...
Somehow I ended up at rock bottom, with no idea of how I would turn things around.
The night dragged on... and by 2.45am we decided it was time to depart
My cousin called a friend to drive us home, we got in and starting making our way back to the motel...
I rolled down the window, closed my eyes, and for a moment, I actually felt good.
I had totally forgotten that my life was falling apart…

for a split-second it was like every worrying thought that was going through my mind went silent...
and in that very moment... we crashed!

I was thrown through the windshield at 75 miles per hour, hit the floor and for a brief period of time I was no longer alive...

What happened next makes the hairs on the back of my neckstand on end...

During that time, I was having an out-of-body experience.
I was seeing what I can only imagine to be... The Afterlife.
And it was the most beautiful, peaceful, loving place you can imagine.
All of my problems were gone.
My stress about money...
My feelings of self-hatred and self-doubt…
My longing for meaning in this life...
It all vanished, and I was surrounded by an infinite bounty of love.
I remember feeling the boundaries of my existence evaporate as I welcomed in an ocean of possibility and promise...

What was the universe about to tell me?

I felt the pressure build as the voice of god was about to grace my ears

When in an instant… it was gone.
The paramedics shocked me back to life, and I was back in my body.
When I recovered and returned to the wreckage of my life a few months later…

I became obsessed with understanding what happened to me.
I thought surely there's someone on this planet that could help me recreate that feeling, so that I could regain access to the message I was moments from receiving...

I started seeing signs shortly after. Incredibly clear signs that told me that if I just kept searching  I would find the answers I was was looking for.
That was when the next chapter of my life presented itself to me...
Let me share with you the man who truly awakened me to this divine secret...
Jonathan is a neuroscientist who surprisingly, focuses muchof his time studying spirituality.
We met at a conference on "How The Brain Works" that was being hosted in the city center a few weeks after my recovery...
I had heard that there have been massive breakthroughs over the last few years on understanding altered states of consciousness and near death experiences.

The man speaking when I walked into the crowd-packed room was Jonathan.

I remember it vividly almost like it was yesterday. He wastalking about the subconscious mind and how it’s the secret sabotager of ourgoals and dreams.
Then he went on to a fascinating topic about brainwaves, known as "neural rhythms" that are constantly flowing through our minds...
And how these same brainwaves were proving to be more powerful than we ever realized.

The part that caught my attention the most was when he started talking about how the brainwaves of someone going through a near death experience are extremely similar to those of life-long monks that claim to have "reached enlightenment"
I decided to go up and talk with Jonathan at the end of his presentation… we hit it off, and decided to grab dinner that night.

After telling him about my personal experience we instantly had a connection.

In fact, it didn't take long before Johnathan invited me to his lab...
and even gave me a job helping him take notes on his research...
Life started to become beautiful for me from that moment...
...I went on to discover one of Johnathan's most profound revelations…

During Near Death Experiences we reach a state of“hyper-consciousness.”..almost identical to the state that life-long monks knowas "enlightenment"

Johnathan had been working for years trying to unlock the brainwave patterns of this "altered state" and was on the verge of a BIG breakthrough that he wanted me to be a part of.

A breakthrough that would take me across the other side of the world... Deep into the Himalayan mountains and throw us into a new life filled with overwhelming financial success.

I spent time mastering guided meditation techniques alongside spiritual leaders and seasoned monks...

and I learned to meditate like a true spiritual master with people who have been doing it their entire lives!
I attribute everything good that's happened in my life since, to this very trip.
Some of my wildest dreams became reality due to the insights I gained in the Himalayas!
but before I get into exactly what happened...
First, do me a favor. Take a look at your hands.

Seriously, hold your hand in front of you, and look at it.
I’ll share with you a mind-blowing idea Johnathan taught me.

The secret of the“Vibrational Phenomenon.”

When you’re looking at your hand, what do you notice?
You can’t see through it.
It looks and feels solid doesn’t it?
It definitely doesn’t seem empty.

But that’s where your brain is deceiving you.
Everything in the universe, all the matter in the world, including you and your body, is mostly empty space!
About 99% empty space, according to physicists.
In reality, your hand (and everything else you can see or touch) is mostly empty.
There’s no such thing as a “solid object.”
Instead, everything is made up of energy.
This “Vibrational Phenomenon” connects everything in theUniverse: The Stars, the Moon, and You Are All Made of Vibrations.
The world-renowned physicist Michio Kaku describes the universe as “a symphony of vibrating strings.”
This Vibrational Phenomenon is what many are claiming to be…

“The Mind of God.”

And your mind is able to work together with those vibrations.
I'm sure you've heard of the idea of "raising your vibration"?

Well that's because those that have learned to harness this magical force are actually living their lives on a completely different "wavelength" - a higher vibration.
They only have to think that they're going to make $1,000 the next day and it happens...
They only have to imagine their home selling for above asking price and it happens...
They only have to wish for their business to blossom and it happens...
and the beautiful part is EVERYONE has the potential to access this higher state of being
The only problem is… you’re being sabotaged.
You see... your brain has 2 key parts.

1: The conscious mind: The voice inside your head.

The conscious mind is what makes you who you are.
This is the part of you that struggles to pay the bills or get that perfect body.
The person inside who never gets the respect and gratitude you deserve…
A person who’s living with stress, anxiety, and depression…
The daydreamer who’s wishing and waiting for the rewarding life full of abundance and freedom you want!
Your conscious mind would LOVE to have more money, more loving relationships, and a healthy, radiant body.
And deep down, you know exactly how to achieve all of those things!
But you’re being sabotaged by the other part of your mind…
The part that takes up 95% of your brain!

2: The Subconscious Brain (Your source of sabotage).

The “little voice inside your head” is LITERALLY little.
It takes up just 5% of your brain.
Meanwhile, your subconscious mind is taking up 95% of your brain and sabotaging you…
When you decide to make more money, your subconscious brain gets in the way and says “there’s no WAY you can do that” or “do you really think you deserve to be rich?”
When you try to improve your body, your subconscious says “trust me, you don’t want to be healthy… you just want some sugar.”
And when you do your best to manifest your dreams into reality, your subconscious is busy thinking about all the stress, trauma, pain, and fear from your past.

It all happens underneath the surface, and can only beaccessed in VERY SPECIFIC CONDITIONS…

One of those conditions up until not long ago was that you had to have years of experience meditating, to get your mind into a state known as "Theta"
When your mind is in this "heightened state" your subconscious mind is wide open.
A spiritual healer can then guide you through ERASING negative thought patterns and flood your mind with an ocean of positivity and build new patterns that serve you rather than destroy you.
That's exactly what John sent me to the Himalayas to do - cleanse my mind of the negative thought patterns I had stored away...
You see...
Your MIND and all the matter in the universe is made up of VIBRATIONS that are trying to synchronise
Positive energy is trying to synchronise with positive energy...
and negative energy is trying to synchronise with negative energy...
So when you finally tap into the subconscious mind and ERASE the negative thought patterns, you stop synchronising with all of the negative events in your life..
and start synchronising with POSITIVE events instead!

...and that's exactly what happened when we started harnessing the power of the  VIBRATIONAL PHENOMENON

Johnathan was paying me well throughout all of this, and I hadn't spent a penny!

So the first thing we did when I got back was start putting my new "positively charged mind" to the test.

I had always wanted to get into real estate so what better way to put my new found spiritual powers to the test than one of the smartest investments in history...
Except we were in the middle of the 2009 housing marketcollapse and NOBODY was buying homes...
That didn't stop us though! We had the power of the universe spurring us forward.

We attended every auction we could find for the perfect house... until we finally found one! A foreclosure that was a cool $200,000 below what we felt that it was worth.
We quickly snapped it up and got to renovating...

It didn't take us long before the house was ready to sell on Except the market was still down...

In fact many real estate agents would tell us: "nobody is buying right now" and that we shouldn't expect to sell for up to year.
I still remember sitting down to meditate that night and setting the intention out to the universe to find a buyer WITHOUT a real estate agency... an impossible task for a first time seller even without the bad market.
I put a sign in the garden and grinned as I knew I was about to save $20,000 in agency commissions when my meditative manifestation came to fruition.

and what happened that very weekend?

A couple from out of town stopped by the house... and after no more than 15 minutes looking around...
They Bought It!
and this wasn't the last of it either...
Month after month Johnathan and I would continue to find homes and end up selling them by ourselves, using nothing more than the pure intention that we would send out to the universe through meditation...
$20,000 turned to $50,000...
$50,000 to $100,000...
and before I knew it I was making life changing money!

My entire world soon transformed!

I moved out of my 1 bedroom apartment into a beautiful 4 bedroom town house (bought at auction of course)...
I no longer had to worry about my 20 year old ford pinto breaking down on me, because I had just paid top dollar for a top of the range European import with all the bells and whistles...
Blessing after blessing came my way as I continued to learn everything there was to know about the vibrational phenomenon.
Meanwhile Johnathan had been working on a sound-wavetechnology that could completely REPLACE the hours of meditation it takes toget into theta!
He discovered that it was possible to trigger the Theta state… using sound waves, carefully calibrated to the exact frequency of the subconscious mind.
It was incredible!
He took me to his lab, and I saw it with my own eyes…

When people heard these unique soundwaves, their subconscious brains opened up…
and that’s when we had a stroke of genius...

I wanted to see what would happen if we combined Johnathan’s subconscious-activating soundwaves…
With the guided meditation techniques that have been used for hundreds of years...
And the results were unbelievably amazing.
It was incredible to see it in action.
and when we interviewed those same people days later...

...they told us their lives were changing almost INSTANTLY!

A real estate agent who hadn't made a sale in over 3 months sold the most expensive house her company had listed!
A 47 year old school teacher was offered a $15,000 pay rise after getting rejected for the same promotion that week!
A mother of 2 working a second job as a waitress was given an $842 tip the very same day as her session!

It took me months to convince Johnathan that this was ready to be seen by the public and now it is finally here!

Today, I’m sharing this unique combination of subconscious sound waves and guided meditation to access abundance, discover your purpose, and embrace your true destiny...
And the truly amazing part?
You can do it right at home, and it takes just 10 minutes a day...
You will see the path in front of you and begin rewriting your destiny starting TONIGHT.
And you don’t have to do any hard work or difficult meditation.

Simply open the program, hit play, and begin the magical transformation you’ve been dreaming of…

And it’s all possible inside one simple to use system...

What Is Ultra Manifestation Review ?

Learn This Weird Trick On How To Manifest More Effectively Today
I want you to take a look at this image for 3 seconds…

Look at the three cars.

Which car looks the biggest to you?
The one in the front, middle or furthest away?
What if I told you that all the cars are actually the same size…?
And it’s just your mind interpreting what it thinks is reality…
In fact, I can prove to you that the 3 cars are exactly the same size right now.
Take a look a this.

What you just saw is an optical illusion making your brain

interpret the cars as being different sizes.
This is an example of how our minds alter our perception of reality.
Now, what if I told you that physical reality itself is the neural manifestation of your consciousness?
And without the power of thoughts from your brain…
Reality as we know it today…
Would cease to exist…
Take a look around you and the greatest achievements of humanity itself.
From the construction of the great Pyramids of Giza.
To the marvel of modern technology...
Everything around us that humans ever built and desired…
Since the beginning of time…

They all started as a simple thought.

Every single one of your wants, your needs and dreams…
Every desire you ever wished for…
Whether it be fantastical fantasies of insane wealth…
Being in the best health you’ve ever felt…
Becoming physically younger and fitter than ever…
Having loving and fulfilling relationships…
Or enjoying complete and utter freedom…
All of these outcomes were a result from your mind…
And it all initially began as nothing but a simple thought.
If you’re currently not experiencing the kind of happiness in life that you deserve…
Whether it be from constantly being stressed out and worried…
Whether it be not having enough money …
Whether it be from health and physical ailments…
Then I have news for you that might sound almost too good to be true.

In the next few moments, I’m going to prove to you conclusively that there is a simple, yet closely guarded secret 60 second process you can follow…

That begins rewiring the neural connections in your brain so that you’ll automatically manifest all that you desire in life…
While simultaneously actively repelling what you do not desire…
If you want to learn the 60 second ultra manifestation process that will kick start the alignment of your subconscious with the most powerful hidden law of the universe…
Then watch very closely, and mark today’s date because my story will absolutely change your life.
This is not the Law of Attraction or “The Secret” ...
This is not about reciting endless, useless affirmations...
This is also not about the power of prayer…
And this is definitely NOT “airy fairy woo woo” garbage...
Whatever you think this presentation is about; I guarantee you have never heard of anything like this before…
Hi, my name is David Sanderson, let me show you a simple, yet relatively unknown ultra manifestation switch that will allow you to design your own destiny… and force the universe to give you whatever your heart desires.
I grew up in Las Vegas and came from a broken household, my mom was 15 when she gave birth to me and my biological dad was always in and out of jail…
When I was 14, I left school to help support my siblings because my mother was an alcoholic as the stress of raising 4 kids alone was too much for her to bear…
At 18 I was kicked out of my mom’s house because I beat my mother’s then boyfriend in a match of poker, to my horror, she actually sided with him and booted me out to end up living in a park.

So trust me when I tell you this…

No matter what kind of struggles that brought you here…
Whether it be suffering from financial hardship…
Whether it be suffering from health related anxiety…
Whether it be just a general feeling of unhappiness…
There is a reason you found my video online today… whether you realize it or not, it was not simply an “accident”.
Some people call it fate, others may call it destiny.
Whatever the case maybe be, it was a precise series of events and sequences that led to you being here.
I know what it feels like to be sitting out on the street out in the rain, holding a sign, begging for food with people walking by giving me judgmental looks…
I carried around the heavy pain of knowing I was abandoned by my father, and my own mother, like a ball and chain around my ankle.
Looking back at my life only a few years ago being on the verge of suicide, it’s hard to believe that was my everyday reality.
I was broke. Hopeless. Depressed, and worst of all Lonely…
But all of that has changed, and this is thankfully all in the past.
Because now as a self-made millionaire, traveling the world giving motivational seminars, my life is a complete dream.
And it all came down to just a quick ultra manifestation process that only took 60 seconds to start…

Which eventually aligned my subconscious to the universe… to rewire the brain networks operating inside my mind.

And it didn’t require reading and studying hours of self-help books…

It didn’t require paying thousands of dollars attending high ticket training book camps…
It didn’t require focused meditation or anything like that…
In fact, it all began with a 60 second test one night before I went to sleep at night…
And before I knew it I was automatically manifesting unbridled wealth, love, happiness, prosperity and freedom into my everyday life…
What most people don’t realize is that the human subconscious mind is the most powerful entity in the known universe.
Your subconscious controls your reality around you, things that happen to you in your life, good or bad, has a direct link to the quantum realm… and the universe.
Sometimes, your subconscious mind can become “out of tune” so to speak, almost like a neglected piano.
The more time that goes on without “re-tuning” your sub-conscious, the more out of control your life will become.
You see, experiments in the quantum realm indicate that when we use our brain to THINK we emit brain and energy waves.
That is why when we THINK of happy things, our body physiologically reacts in the same way and generates positive human energy fields, resulting in a happy and uplifting mood.

So it is scientifically true and literally accurate when people say that:

But, what if I told you human energy fields, that began as mere thoughts, actually physically interact and influence the quantum field surrounding us?
Yes, what I am saying is that the human energy fields created by THOUGHTS are actually affecting the reality of things around you!
You see, there was a very famous experiment done almost 100 years ago called the “Double Slit Experiment”.
This was a physics experiment conducted at the quantum level to determine how atomic particles would interact with its immediate surroundings.
Each time the experiment was conducted with no recording machine or observer, the results would indicate outcome 1.
However, as soon as the experiment was conducted with a recording machine or physical observer, the results would always end up as outcome 2.
This confused the scientists at the time.
Because they could not believe that the mere presence of a recording device observing the experiment process would actually alter the outcome of the experiment…
But eventually, after multiple experiments conducted by various test groups, the results were undeniable.
At the quantum level, the mere fact of an observer resulted in the experiment outcome be changed!
Eventually it was discovered the reasoning behind this was that the equipment used to do the filming itself was emitting energy fields in the form of light particles to record and view the experiment being conducted…
This in itself would alter the results of the experiment at the quantum level.

So why is this significant you might ask?

Well in short this scientifically proves, your THOUGHTS literally affect reality through the energy matter it emits.
You see, everything that makes up the reality in this universe is made of units of energy.
Notice that I did not say units of “matter”, because the truth is, everything in this universe is made up of energy, not matter.
As you get down to the smallest particles, atoms, quarks, and even smaller units, scientists realized that these elements are in reality just energy, not matter.
That means that car you have in your driveway, the screen you are viewing this presentation on right now, and even your own body is not as “solid” as you’ve been led to believe, rather, it is made up of energy.
Therefore, your thoughts, being energy, can directly affect your surroundings.
Our very thoughts are truly in every sense of the word masters of creation because we literally decide what manifests out of the field of all possibility as our very thoughts affect outcomes at the quantum level.
We change the subtle energies within and around us with every thought, action and emotion.
Positive, joy-filled thoughts and emotions put beneficial energies into our beings and into our living environment.

But, sadly, most of us are unconsciously surrounding and filling ourselves with what we don’t want in our lives.

We unwittingly attract what we don’t want into our lives by the way we think and feel…
This is because our subconscious is misaligned with the natural laws of the universe.
This point was further illustrated in 2004 by Dr. Masaru Emoto when he released a New York Time’s bestselling book called “The Messages in The Water”.
In the famous “Rice Experiment” Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that a person’s mind and emotions have a direct positive or negative effect upon water molecules.
He did this by putting equal amounts of dried rice into three separate jars.
Then he filled up the jars with water from the same source in the same amount.
Then he created three labels for each jar.
Jar 1 was labeled love.
Jar 2 was labeled ignore.
Jar 3 was labeled hate.
Once a day, he’d go to Jar 1 labeled love and tell it “I love you”.
He’d go to jar 2 labeled ignore, and completely ignore it.
He’d then go to jar 3 labeled hate and tell it “idiot, I hate you”.
After a few weeks something astonishing happened.
Jar 1 labeled love that was given loving treatment on a daily basis actually started to ferment with beautiful white colors.
Jar 2 that he ignored simply turned black.
Jar 3 that he told him he hated, well the rice actually began to rot!
This experiment has been repeated countless times by various YouTube channels as well.
This proves conclusively that water by some unknown means actually understood the intent of his consciousness and as a result changed the molecular structure based on that.
That is why there is a significant difference between telling the universe what you want, and your subconscious believing it.

This is the key to unlocking the ability to manifest whatever you desire in this life.

It’s not enough to simply “want” something or “say” something, and expect to get it. You need to rewire your subconscious in order to achieve this.
You see after I was kicked out of my mom’s house I was homeless for a while living on the streets.
Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be accepted by a group of local vagrants in the nearby park that were very helpful.
One day, after a night of drinking cheap vodka, I awoke in the park to the sound of someone speaking on one of the local stages.
I went over to the small crowd to see what this person was talking about. The man on the stage appeared to be in his late 30s, had a mystical look to him.
His name was John Beckett and he began talking about his life… and how at the age of 30 he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
He then left his successful career as an engineer to figure out the true purpose, and to live out his final days exploring the world…
His story was fascinating… but what really struck me, is when he mentioned how he ended up in Nepal, and was living with a group of monks in the mountains…
And learned one of the most magnificent secrets of the universe…
That is, your consciousness, can manifest anything that you wish.
You can use your mind, to heal your body and affect reality.
Negative things that happen to you in your life, are the result of your subconscious bringing it into existence… operating in such a way that is harmful to you, without you even realizing it.

He began to talk about quantum physics, energy, and the power of sound.

After all, sound is comprised of different frequencies, which is a form of energy.
These monks had ancient knowledge, which had been either been lost, or suppressed by the mainstream establishment.
They knew how to harness the power of sound, to reprogram, or retune your mind, and align your consciousness in an optimum state, which would allow you to manifest, heal, or attract whatever you desire into your life.
He explained there were other instances of lost knowledge.
For example, Thomas Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, rather it was the ancient Egyptians.
As you can see in this ancient Egyptian carving here. You can clearly see from the engravings there is a beam of light being projected.
He also claimed that an even more ancient civilization, the Sumerians, knew about our solar system and every planet, over 4,500 years ago.
This is contrary to modern understandings of astronomy, as it was believed that humans didn’t know about this until thousands of years later.
He went on to discuss, how the monks used these strange sounds to heal his body… and rid him of this terminal illness that was on the brink of taking his life.
It was at this point, that someone in the crowd yelled out, “if this is true, then why do I have to pay $1000 a month in prescription drugs?”
John ended up cutting the talk short, rather than trying to convince an unruly, doubtful crowd… but something inside of me believed what he was saying.
Having been on the streets for a while now, you develop an “instinct” about whether or not you can trust someone, and I felt I could believe and trust him.
After all, he wasn’t even trying to sell anyone anything.
I approached him, and for some reason was opening up about my life story.
After listening sympathetically for a while he told me to meet up with him the next day.
John told me that he could relate to my story and told me that I reminded him of himself when he was younger.
He then proceeded to introduce me to a concept I didn’t yet fully comprehend until years later down the line.
As already proven in examples I showed you earlier (the Double Split Experiment and Rice Experiment), John started to explain that the human mind can actually alter the outcome of things around a person.
He explained to me that my brain frequency and vibration of my consciousness of altering can alter reality…

This may sound silly at first, but if you really think about it, it’s actually quite true.
Have you ever tried watching a horror movie without the sound and have it playing on mute?
If you did, the movie itself wouldn’t be very scary and at times would seem quite stupid.
What we don’t understand is that audio and sound waves affect our emotions…
And specific sounds and tones will affect our neurology and thought patterns differently.
John began talking about “Isochoric tones”, and also talked about beta, alpha, theta and delta waves…
Each of these tones, and waves, had their own special frequencies, that have a profound, but deeply unexplored effect on the mind and brain.
This coupled with soothing sounds in nature, or the chanting of the monks in Nepal, and other hypnotic or relaxing melodies seemed to rewire the mind itself.
Just as sounds and light are energy waves, so are your thoughts.
If your thoughts are waves, and so is sound, it’s possible for sounds to impact your subconscious through your thoughts.

Thus, in turn affecting the universe around us.

Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, theorized that thoughts traveled as waves. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to manifest whatever you desire using the power of thought.
Edgar Cayce, the famous “sleeping prophet”, stated while in a deep trance, that sound, would be the medicine of the future.
In fact, if you didn’t know this already, the microwave you have in your kitchen actually uses certain frequencies to re-arrange the molecules of water to cook your food.
I spent the next few hours with John absorbing as much information as I could.
He knew I still had many questions remain unanswered and was impressed by my eagerness to learn so before he left, he offered me an opportunity to change my life.
John told me he was in town because he was working with a local neuroscience lab on a new set of audio tracks and frequencies that were specifically designed to elevate the brain frequencies of the listener.
He was looking for volunteers to test if it was possible that listening to his custom designed neural tracks would allow me to align my subconscious with the universe and manifest positive change into my life…
He told me he’d pay each volunteer a small amount of money if they agreed to try it out.
Although I was skeptical at the time, I promptly agreed since I was genuinely intrigued and I needed the money.

My appointment with the neuroscience lab was booked for the next day.

As I entered the lab, John greeted me and told me to lie down.
He then gave me some headphones and told me to listen to the sounds…
As he pressed play, I was confronted with strange noises, and music... to be quite honest I thought it was weird at first, but it was interesting, so I kept listening.
My body started to become relaxed; my mind became calm, and started to reach what I can only describe as another state of consciousness.
It’s not what I expected at all… I continued to listen until I fell asleep.
An hour or two later, John woke me up and told me that the lab was closing.
At the time, I was suffering from serious sleeping issues and since those audio tracks made me fall asleep so quickly, I figured if I could convince John that I wanted to be a test volunteer over the next few weeks, he might actually pay for a few extra weeks for helping him out with his research.
John was delighted at the idea and actually gave me a player CD player and his custom designed neural audio CDs so I could bring them with me.
That night once again, I turned on these strange sounds as I lay there trying to fall asleep.
And repeated the same for the next several weeks…

Then before you know it amazing things started to happen.

Mysterious things…
My entire life, I’ve always had trouble with “stuttering”. It disappeared entirely within a week unexplainably.
My whole body started to feel better, and shockingly, my desire to drink alcohol totally disappeared.
Other amazing things began to happen as well.
My mom was able to get ahold of me at the local shelter. She had somehow found out where I was, and came to find me.
She had left her abusive boyfriend, and was sobbing as she begged me to forgive her. She asked me to move back home with her and offered to help get me on my feet.
I scored a real job this time around by what seems like pure luck.
A few weeks later, I was reporting my amazing results to John at the neuroscience lab.
I was telling him about my drastic life improvements and that I was I was very interested in learning more about the Brain, Neurology and Psychology.
Ever since I met John my fascination about how the “mind” and the “universe” really worked was something I thought about on a daily basis.
As “destiny” would have it, a professor who ran the local university neuroscience department was also at the neuroscience lab at the time.
The professor was just happening to look for a junior lab assistant in their department and John smiled at the professor and immediately recommending me for the job.
Although, I didn’t have any experience as a lab assistant, the professor said that it didn’t matter since I was a friend of John’s.
Keep in mind, I was technically homeless at the time… and I was practically being given my dream job.
On top of that, he could tell I had the passion, and said that it is mostly on the job training anyways.

At this point, my life had completely turned around.

I had a job I loved. I had my health back. I had given up alcohol and miraculously got rid of my stutter.
I was convinced that John’s mysterious sounds… music… or whatever you want to call it, had changed my life.
So I gave it to my mom to listen to as well… and astonishing things started to happen to her as well.
Her type 2 diabetes all but disappeared. Her high blood pressure was now back to normal ranges. She was no longer feeling tired, agitated and most of all, depressed.
Within a month or so, she ended up meeting her soul mate and ended up getting married within a year’s time.
I knew the secret to what radically changed our lives was buried in John’s audio tracks. I was determined to understand what it was…
And after months of relentless research and studying various academic journals, databases and scientific textbooks from the university I now worked at, I finally found the answers to two the lingering question…
How was it possible that listening to some strange audio tracks allowed me to align my subconscious with the universe, and help manifest such amazing things in my life…
I decided to create my own system, based on what I had learned from John, and also from my deep research. After countless hours of experimentation… I finally had gotten it down perfectly… I called it.. Ultra Manifestation.
By using a combination of the absolute purest isochoric tones, alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves, delta waves, ancient chant mantras and other sacred frequencies, I created something that I would consider far more powerful than the CD I was given.
Since I began using my system, I had become a millionaire, met the love of my life, and literally have not been happier in my entire life.
Ultra Manifestation, focuses on tuning your subconscious in order to maximize your ability to attract wealth, health and any other positive manifestations into your life, while simultaneously, keeping negative manifestations out of your life.
The first track on my CD I created, I call “aligning yourself with the universe”. This was specifically designed to allow an open connection to your subconscious, so that we can begin to retune, rebalance, and reprogram it.
The next track, I call “neural genesis”. This is the process in which we start to retune and reprogram your subconscious.

The neural blockages preventing you from creating abundance will be removed…

Your negative emotions, realized, and unrealized, will begin to melt away…
The third track I called, “your natural state”. This track interfaces directly with your subconscious and begins the process of hemispheric synchronization. This will allow both sides of your brain to be more in “synch”. Take a look at how your brainwaves change after listening to this music:
Listen to this track once per day, for at least 7 days to unlock the true potential of these healing sounds. I rid myself of a speech stutter, and my own mother reversed her type II diabetes amongst other things.
Track four, I call “unlimited abundance”. The combination of sounds, and frequencies, are designed to create a new reality for your subconscious to accept...
The reality that you are boundless, limitless, and are able to manifest abundance, love and wealth using nothing more than the power of your will.
This is exactly what I used to go from being homeless, to becoming a millionaire. My entire mindset was changed and it seemed money and good fortune would continuously flow into my life.
Track five will ensure that your subconscious does not regress back to before, and helps keep your mind, and subconscious run at optimum efficiency.
I call it, neural guardian. Think of it as taking a vitamin for your subconscious. It will protect you from negative energies, and ensure that you do not fall back into negative thinking, beliefs and habits.

The human mind is the last great unexplored mystery on Earth.

It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It will return anything we want to plant.
And the amazing thing is, it only takes 60 seconds to begin the thought implanting process to alter your destiny…
To being able to manifest money into your life…
To reversing damaging health problems you maybe have…
To attracting true and everlasting love into your life…
Create Your Account Below!
and i'll take care of the rest... just $37!
Using the human mind alone, humanity has achieved feats that would be considered voodoo magic just 100 years ago.
From the initial creation of the wheel, to the wagon, to the car and now bullet trains that travel at the speed of sound carrying hundreds of passengers thousands of miles using the electromagnetic technology …
That is why you need to understand and remember this:
It’s absolutely critical that you do not let your subconscious sabotage your destiny.
Every time you have “bad luck”, every time you have some type of failure or set back in your life, every time you’re struggling for money, it is most likely not your fault…
It is your subconscious manifesting these things into reality without you knowing it.
That is why it’s so important that you have this system, Ultra Manifestation, to help make your life a living dream, instead of a living nightmare.
If someone would of told me a few years ago I would be a millionaire today, giving talks all around the world, I would of laughed at them.
But it was because I didn’t believe them. I couldn’t of believed them even if I wanted to, because my subconscious wouldn’t let me… but that all changed once I started listening to that CD John gave me. It literally changed my life.
There is a reason why this information is being kept from you by the government, big pharma and the mainstream media.
This information is sacred and more powerful than anything you have ever encountered before.
How would you like to completely change the circumstances you are in right now?

Maybe your unsatisfied with your financial situation…

Or your unhappy with your relationships…
Or perhaps you suffer from health ailments…
Or maybe you just lack direction, and clarity about your path in life…
Regardless of what’s keeping you down…
Can you spare 60 seconds to start the Ultra Manifestation process of re-organizing your Internal Roadmap, so it aligns itself with the natural laws of the universe?
The reason why Ultra Manifestation works because it solves the problem at the root cause.
The isochoric tones, theta, alpha, beta and delta waves will enter your mind and dissolve the limiting beliefs that were previously holding you back. And in its place, it will create a brand new empowering Internal Roadmap.
The best thing is, there is nothing new to “learn”.
This process literally is as easy as putting on headphones and listening to this before you go to bed at night, or any other time throughout the day.
Excited with my new-found knowledge, I went back to the local park and shared my discovery with other homeless people that were nice to me during my time out in the cold…
Most of them have been homeless for decades, and many were in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Almost ALL of them had some sort of health problem…
So I created a Homeless Life Changing group, where I played my brand new Ultra Manifestation audio to the people who were interested before they slept…
And within two months, the results were astounding. You could see the results of their Internal Roadmaps being aligned with the universe. More than 90% of the participants of both genders were able to turn their lives around…
All of them were able to get part time or even full time work, and started their process of re-integrating with society. Not to mention their health conditions had drastically improved.
Although the results were impressive, I wanted to make sure that this would work for anyone.

Instant Manifestation Secrets Croix Sather Does It Work Review With Testimonialsw 2020

Do you know the surprising reason why The Secret andmanifestation doesn’t work for most people? 

It’s the same reason that many people have overdue bills, take budget vacations and live unhappy lives. In the next few minutes I will reveal to you how to turn your mind into an INSTANTMANIFESTATION magnet and leave struggle as a thing of the past so that you can live a life you truly love.
Did you know you have a third mind? You already know the first two levels of the mind. The conscious mind is our awake logical mind. The SUB-conscious mind runs in the background and controls our habits and automation.
The third level of the mind is powerful beyond imagination. I call it The Vibrational Mind and it is the conduit to manifest everything you want. This level of the mind is virtually ignored by everyone claiming to be a manifestation expert.
Ahead in this video you will learn how to use the Vibrational Mind is and how to align all three levels of your mind to effortlessly to instantly manifest everything you want.
Imagine no more worry over money issues. No more feelingoverwhelmed and stressed out about stretching your last few dollars. It’s time to stop struggling paycheck to paycheck and start thriving in abundance. 

You can reprogram your mind to become a super magnet to automatically attract UNLIMITED wealth, business opportunities, focus, happiness, life-long friends, inner peace and unstoppable self-confidence.

“You’re always one decision from a totally different life.”

 Life can massively change in the blink of an eye. It’s not crazy to think you can radically transform your life overnight. No matter where your life started or where it is right now. You can easily and quickly see incredible improvements … fast
 Imagine having the financial freedom to go on dream vacations, or live in your dream home, a college education fund for your kids, and a comfortable retirement nest egg to live out your golden years.
I am Croix, this information you are about to get, massively transformed my life from a carpenter to a world champion athlete, author and life transformation expert. And it has transformed every client I have ever taught it to. And I am excited to share this with you. Right now is the first time I am teaching it without you having to be my private client.
Do you also believe, that everything happens for a reason? Even the things that seem random, are not random at all. They are meant for you. It’s part of your journey
Every event in your life was intended for you, to bring you to where you are now.
This place and in this time. Including you being here to listen to me so that our paths could merge. You are about to discover why thisis perfect timing for you. Like a magnet, you were brought here to discover an untapped power within yourself.
You are about to learn how you can BREAK FREE from the things that are holding you back. No more self-sabotage. No more being behind on your goals and dreams. You’ve paid your dues and the time has come to collect your reward. It’s YOUR TIME to start living a life you are truly excited about. 

Are you ready to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of, but always doubted that you could have? It’s okay to be skeptical. That’s your conscious mind following the patterns of your past programming keeping you stuck. No worries, because I will erase any doubt in your mind that you should have and can have an extraordinary life.
This is important to know as we get started.

The POWER is already within YOU.

You simply need to tune in, and tap into the endless resources within you. This isn’t taught in school. But it should be. It’s not even taught in any law of attraction books. So, it is NOT YOUR FAULT if you don’t know this and that don’t know how to use it. But that is about to change. You will totally get this by the time this video is over to be able to unlock the door and open it wide to the riches that await you.
The fact that you are here today is proof … That a powerful transformation is within you and ready to begin. You have been searching for a solution to your struggles. You are at the moment of your transformation. It’s what you have been waiting for your entire life to experience the world in magical abundance that you were born to live.
Deep down you can already feel it …
This is not some woo-woo cosmic mumbo jumbo. What I am teaching you is based on modern science as well as ancient philosophies from the world’s most brilliant minds. As well as tapping into that invisible energy that connects us all, that allows people, places and things to be magnetically attracted to you. I will even show you that the invisible energy is proven fact.
If other programs about manifestation and life transformation, haven’t worked for you, it is because
they only reached your mind at one or two levels.

To see fast, effortless and automatic change,

you need to tap into your mind at all three different levels.
I know your journey has been a strenuous one. Filled with huge mountains to climb and obstacles to overcome. Yet, you’re still standing after life’s harshest storms. You’ve been prepared for a great awakening. I am going to open your eyes to a much better way to end your struggles. An easier way to tap into what the universe has waiting for you.
Many say that it feels like they have a magic wand andmanifesting things is as easy as waving your hand and watch it magically unfold and appear in your life in what feels like seconds.
 Here is a truth you must know. You’re already excellent at manifesting. Everything in your life has already been manifested by who you were in the past. Everything in your life today, your challenges and your blessing, are the result of how your mind is currently programmed.

“ If you want things to change, you must change.
If you want things to get better, you must get better.”

Specifically, you need to reprogram your mind to repel the negative things you don’t want and to attract the positive things you do want.
Let me share an example of something I observed. This is exactly why some people are always attracting problems in their life.
I was in a cafe getting breakfast with my kids. On the other side of the plastic plants, was a utility worker in his dirty uniform complaining to his coworkers. He was shouting, “Why does this always happen to me. I am always getting screwed. Every time I get ahead, I get screwed again.”
He was saying it with total conviction. His words, voice,body language and his emotions all reinforced the belief that he is “always gets screwed.” In other words, he was programming the 3 levels of the mind. So of course, what is going to happen? The universe is saying, “Ha ha, Okay, your wish is my command. Let’s see how else I can screw up your day.”

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”

– Buddha
You create your world on three levels. Your words may say, “I want more money.” But your subconscious mind is sabotaging your thoughts with a looping reel inside your mind, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Rich people are crooks.” “I can never get ahead.” If you are vibrational and emotionally attached to these thoughts, then you are in an endless loop of financial struggle.
You may not realize that you have these programs going on in your mind. They have been repeating in your head for decades. You learned that stuff from your mom and dad, and childhood experiences. “Thanks mom and dad. Ugh!”
It is impossible to change that belief system. Unless … unless … you know how to reach into the three levels of your mind and eliminate those negative beliefs AND fill the void with a belief that will empower you, and align you to attract the kinds of things you want. No worries, because it is easy to do in just a few minutes a day. 

This is exciting stuff because when you get this, you willbe able to reprogram anything that you have previously learned or experienced. The mind is the most amazing SUPER COMPUTER. You can UN-learn what has been holding you back and input … new powerful beliefs.
Your mind is so powerful that it can even heal itself of disease, chronic poverty, addiction or anything else you want to change in your life. Even childhood trauma. I know this personally.
What do you want to UN-learn?
And what do you want to manifest into your life?
The power is within you.
Do you need to heal yourself?  Do you want to attract your soul mate and understand why it never worked out with all the others? Or maybe you want to manifest money for a fat bank account so you never again have to worry about where you will find your rent money.
While money can’t buy happiness, it sure makes life a loteasier and more fun when there is a river flow of money coming into your life and you don’t have to worry about going to the cash machine and wondering if your bank account is overdrawn again.
It’s empowering to walk into a car showroom and pay cash. It’s freedom to be able to book a last minute romantic getaway just because you want to surprise your soulmate. You will sleep better knowing that you do not have financial worries.
How will it feel when you can finally call money andfinancial blessings into your life at will? How will you use the money in your life? For that new car that you’ve had your eye on. The dream home you’ve always wanted. Or my favorite, manifesting trips and adventures that are filled with magic moments and memories.
 Just the other day my friend called me up and invited me on his big race boat to see the statue of Liberty by water and then have dinner with the best view of the New York City skyline. I have no desire to own a boat, but I love being on a boat. I manifested this crazy amazing experience to be looking up at Lady Liberty because I love an adventure.
This isn’t a once in a while thing, this kind of thing happens to me all the time. California, Costa Rica, Colombia, luxury treehouses in Montana, Italy, Fiji, and many more showed up in my life without any effort. I regularly have dinner with authors, athletes, millionaires and movie stars. It blows me away when I think back to when I was wearing work boots and driving a beat up old work truck.
Let me please introduce myself properly, and explain how I discovered this formula and how it transformed my life, and all of my clients.

My name is Croix Sather.

Shortly you will be calling me your friend and “transformation guide.”
Here’s why
You see, my life began with very meager start in this life. My dad was a carpenter and we lived on a single income. At times, my parents would go without food so that my brothers and I could eat. And we literally grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.
Not far away, the millionaires lived in their big mansions, driving fancy cars and taking exotic vacations. I became a carpenter like my dad and we worked together for many of these millionaires building pool houses bigger than our house. I was curious. Why did they have so much money while we always struggled to get by?
I would ask our customers, “How do I become wealthy likeyou.” Most answered with a generic response of work hard. But my dad and I were working way harder than them and just getting by.
 One customer, Mr. Kronenberg, was a self-made multi-millionaire that started from the streets too. When I asked him how do I get wealthy, he gave me a cassette tape program and said, “Listen to this. This will help you understand. Rich people think different. If you want to be happy and wealthy, you want to be tapped in.”
I didn’t know what he meant, but I took his advice and listened to the program. That was the beginning of my journey to understand the world in a whole different way. Eventually this would become my life passion to understand and share. Most people are unaware it’s even possible.
It wasn’t long that my life started to change and I began to instantly manifest amazing things. A friend invited me to a go to a house auction. I went out of curiosity. I couldn’t buy the house for cash like the auction required. To our surprise the house didn’t sell. So I called the bank the next day. I made a deal with them and they gave me a mortgage that I wasn’t qualified to get. I became the owner of a federalist Victorian with two story columns prestigiously set on a hilltop. I was just 24 years old and the house was the envy of the town.
A couple of months later I bumped into a man who asked, “Do you know anyone who wants to buy a home?” 30 minutes later he sold me the house for no money down on a handshake. It’s one of my favorite instant manifestations. I sold that house 1 week later and made $25,000 in profit.

But I didn’t know the whole formula and secret for manifesting things into my life. 

Sometimes I could tap in and sometimes I couldn’t. So my life was a roller coaster.
I hid the heartache and the pain when my life went sideways. I went from living the good life to being over a million dollars upside down. My marriage fell apart and I was burnt out from working 80 hour weeks. There had to be a better way.
They say that your setbacks are a setup for a comeback.
I didn’t know it at the time, but the universe was preparing me. Just like it has prepared you.
I then met a mentor that would teach me the second part of effortless manifestation. A self-made multi-millionaire, he said to me, “It’s all in your subconscious mind. You’re out of alignment. That is why your life has been a roller coaster.”
He turned me on to the power of psycho-neuro programming. It sounded crazy and woo-woo to me at first. But he explained that this was how you tap into the power of your SUB-conscious mind to create an amazing millionaire life. Because I was still skeptical, I feverishly sought out every bit of information on psycho-neuro programming and the SUB-conscious mind.
Here is something I truly believe, you can manifest vacations and lots of money, but that can still leave you empty. I am going to show you a way to manifest anything you want and how to create a fulfilling and meaning full life that you love and make your journey worthwhile.
I want you to keep this in mind as I tell you how my life changed.
What is most important, is that I followed my biggest dreamsand created a life I truly love. 
After I explain, you will understand why nobody else can teach what I know.
My dream was to run across America. I would run a marathon aday for 100 consecutive days from California to NYC. But there was a catch, I was 40 and I was not a runner. In fact, I was barely more than a couch potato.
Why would I do such a monumental thing? Because my dream inspired me. And it shows what is possible when you tap into the three levelsof your mind. Of course, I don’t expect you to run across America. You probably would never consider it. But what would you do if anything was possible?

Would you be an artist or start your own business?

Would you leave the job you hate for one you love?
Would you move to the beach?
Would you start dating after divorce to find your soul mate?
You see, this isn’t about my run across America.
It’s about you FINDING YOUR PURPOSE and living your BIGDREAM.
If a carpenter from the wrong side of the tracks can create a massive life transformation, so can you. Magic happens when you reprogram the three levels of your mind. The universe conspires for amazing things to happen to you. When you open up your manifestation powers and align yourself with your true north, it’s like you have a secret advantage to living your dreams.
It wasn’t just a run across America. Each day I also gave a speech to audiences in challenging life circumstances. People just like me. When success is a long shot. I spoke to inner city high schools, addiction centers, homeless shelters, and wounded warriors, inspiring them to dream big, act boldly and to overcome their challenges. I ran across America to make a difference.
I became known as a life transformation expert. I’ve written several books and speak on some of the most prestigious stages in the world. My talks have been viewed by over a million people and I travel the world doing what I truly love. I want this for you ... I want you to live a life - you love.

While there are many so-called experts who talk about success and manifestation. I truly live it and I teach from experience. Do you think that someone who was not a runner than ran across America in just one year, might know how to tap into the unlimited power of the mind better than anyone? Totally, right? I tapped into the deepest parts of my mind to run a marathon every day. And to also be at the top of my game as a public speaker, for news interviews, plus running my company all at the same time.
I want you to get this to help you unleash the amazing powerof your mind. If I didn’t learn how to tap into the 3 levels of my mind, I would still be a carpenter and the world would never have heard about me. Imagine the shame and regret of knowing I could have done more. The #1 regret of elderly people is, “I wish I did more. I wish I lived my dreams.” Don’t be one of those people who never realize your potential.
You have the power within you. You can tap into your greatness and live your dream life.

Here is how your mind works:

Did you know that only 7% of what you do is because of your conscious mind? This is level 1, your active awake mind. This is everything in your awareness.
Scientists say that 93% of what you do is because of your SUB-conscious mind. This is level 2 of your mind. Like an iceberg, most of your programing happens below the surface in your SUB-conscious. This is everything out of your awareness, like your habits, beliefs, and things you do without any thought. The SUB-conscious controls most of what you do.
So, how do you transform your life? You reprogram your mind.
Most people try to create change at the conscious level ONLY. This is using will power, affirmations, and positive thinking. All important things to do. But this is the least effective when done alone.
The conscious part of the mind is above the water. (7%)
The SUB-conscious is part of the iceberg that is below the water. (93%)
The subconscious mind, is the software of your mind where your habits, beliefs, and automation happens. Scientists say that the subconscious mind is responsible for your behaviors and decisions. Your subconscious mind directly affects your emotions and behaviors. That directly affects your circumstances and events in your life. This will directly correlate to how rich or broke you are. Happy or sad, and how heathy or sick you are.  

If you want to change your life fast, you need to change the programs that your subconscious mind is running on. Rapid change happens when you bypass your critical thinking conscious mind and tap directly into the other part of your brain where your habits and automation is stored. 

Manifestation programs and Law of Attraction programs only teach the conscious and SUB-conscious programing of your mind. But they are missing a major component.

The Vibrational Mind is where the real magic happens

If the conscious mind is the top of the iceberg, and the SUB-conscious mind is the iceberg below the water, then the water is the Vibrational Mind.
This is what bridges you to everything, the universal connection and consciousness. This is the particle matter they talk about in quantum physics that we are all made of. Every particle can effect every other particle.
 Let me give you an illustration.
The Butterfly Effect is the scientific fact that when a butterfly flaps its winds it moves the air molecules next to wings. Those bump into more air molecules and so on. Science has proven that a butterfly can flap its wings and eventually that can move enough air molecules to create a hurricane on the opposite side of the world. You can’t see it, I can’t see it, but science can measure this. 

Quantum physics tells us that the same thing happens with the smallest sub-atomic particles. Everything is made from sub-atomic particles. Meaning, if you change the vibration of your mind, you can affect everything related to the thought. It’s not just conscious and SUB-conscious within the mind, but the vibration that changes the water around the iceberg.
 This is cool stuff, right!? Are you getting it?
I geek out on this because, what I just told you, is the key to everything you want in life. The house, the car, the vacations, finding your soul mate, and super health.
 Check this out. By simply listening to specific sounds and a specific script that I created myself from years and years of research and training, you are guided to reprogram ALL three levels of your mind. I do this live with my private clients, but then I realized after many requests, that I needed to create a program that you can use in your home. I call this INSTANT MANIFESTAION.

 This is why I said, you will soon be calling me your transformation guide. I guide you down this path together to more money, happiness, adventure and love. But it is YOU that chooses what you want to manifest into your life.
 Before we get into that I want to share a very personal and vulnerable story about my life. This is how I learned about the Vibrational Mind. It was a gift from the universe. So please forgive me if I choke up a little while sharing this with you.
 After I ran across America, I set my sights on a bigger goal. With an additional year of training, I was in Death Valley to break a world record running 146 miles through the hottest place on the planet. 

 It was race day, but something was wrong. At just 6 miles I was puking. At 11 miles, I was battling heat exhaustion. It was 117 degrees. I expected this, but not for another 100 miles. My body was crashing and at mile 45 my body shut down. I had to quit.
Looking back now, I realized why I was having so much trouble. That day my mind was not in alignment with my purpose. I was focused on the media news and those watching. I was letting my ego drive me, not my heart. And the universe taught me the lesson I needed to get realigned to my authentic journey.
 The next day in my air-conditioned place in Las Vegas, I said to my videographer, what if I go back? He was upset and barked back at me, “You just had the most epic failure of your life. You only made it one third of the distance. And you want to go back?”
 I did want to go back. So, 3 days later I was at the start line doing it again. No media, no audience, and most importantly, no ego. I was going back because it’s not about the fanfare, but about living your greatness. It was about following your dream. I was realigned with my true north.

 At mile 6 the same place that I got sick, I saw a little blue butterfly. 

This is Death Valley, the only things that live there are rattle snakes and scorpions. The butterfly had no reason to be there, but there he was fluttering in front of my face.
Rewind to when I was training for my run across America, I got a call. It was my dad and he was crying. He was barely understandable through his tears, “Your brother is dead.” “Darrin? How can he be dead, he is only 44 years old.”
My big brother died of a massive heart attack. He never stood a chance. I gave the eulogy at the funeral and I talked about the butterfly effect. While my brother is gone, the air molecules he moved has changed lives.
 After the funeral, my sister got a tattoo in memory of our brother on her right shoulder … a blue butterfly. The butterfly I saw in Death Valley, was the same kind of blue butterfly as my sister’s tattoo.
In the very beginning, I asked you, “Do you also believethat everything happens for a reason?” When you are aligned with your path, there are signs. I said to the butterfly as it fluttered in front of my face, “It’s good to see you bro. I miss you. Never give up, right?”
 Your signs are everywhere. This is your Vibrational Mind connecting to everything. We are all vibrating energy. Just like those butterfly air molecules that you cannot see, we are connected energy.

 We have the ability to vibrate high or vibrate low. 

When we are in a low vibration frequency, we attract low vibration things … Problems, cynical people and negative events that wreak havoc in our lives. Money disasters, car breakdowns, relationship breakdowns, weight gain, and health issues. Over 80% of people live in a low vibration frequency.
 When you raise yourvibration, you raise your frequency connecting to high frequency blessings. This is when you’re in alignment to manifest effortlessly. Things like extra cash, new job offers, business opportunities, meeting your soul mate, dream vacations, and losing weight.
I want to help you shortcut your way to becoming amanifestation magnet and finally living in true abundance and a life of meaning. This is why I created a program you can use at home or on the go. I call it, INSTANT MANIFESTATION.
It’s the result of decades of my own research, coaching, testing and refining. I’m excited because this is your golden ticket to a crazy awesome life.
 The mind is a complicated fickle thing. That’s why change is so hard. We’re reminded of this every New Year’s when we set new resolutions but are forgotten a few weeks later. This is why I have personally put together a powerful manifestationsystem to empower you to upgrade your life effortlessly. No more silly resolutions.
 Many, many people have called me the most inspirational guy they have ever met. Not just for what I have done, but for who I am. My clients rave about the success they get by working with me. So Instant Manifestation System includes the best aspects of my inspirational life transformation coaching and programs to reach deeply into every level of your mind for true recalibration so that you can easily create the life of your dreams.
Plus, Instant Manifestation includes my unique and super powerful Neuro-3 programming. This is the exact reason why I was able to break world records in running and become a transformation expert, author and speaker living an extraordinary life.
 What is Neuro-3? It is my unique proprietary mind transformation technique that reaches all three levels of you mind, the conscious, SUB-conscious and vibrational mind, for super-fast and effortless alignment with the law of attraction to easily attract money, happiness, or anything you want.
Neuro-3 is a potent combination of sound waves, nature sounds, and musical instruments as the back drop to relax your conscious mind so it stops sabotaging your success. In fact, you have been listening to one of my favorite tracks while watching this video.
 Over these majestic sounds, I guide you through my Neuro-3 programming sessions so that your conscious mind, SUB-conscious and Vibrational Mind can align so that you can manifest anything you want. It’s just like being with me in person. You will hear my voice as I guide you in a mind success recalibration.
 Simply download the audio tracks, relax and listen. This couldn’t be easier. Just press play and let the transformation happen automatically. It’s as if I am there with you assuring your success.
So what is in INSTANT MANIFESTATION to catapult you to financial freedom and the lifestyle of your dreams?
