My fellow spiritual being…
I have a message to share with you.From deep beyond the known universe, from the eternal source of truth…
A place you’ve known of all your life, and may have even connected with during rare moments of deep meditation and prayer…
You've heard the stories…
Where your spirit escapes your physical body and for that moment, that precious and cherished moment, you are "ONE".
But what if I told you there was not only a way to access that synchronised state at will... but begin using it to transform your financial future starting in the next 24 hours?
You see dear, you were guided to this page by something far greater than yourself today…
A divine message that's been eagerly awaiting your arrival, so read carefully and don't miss this celestial gift that just landed like a butterfly in the palm of your hand...
Because Right Now Is Your Time…
Time to open the floodgates to a river of IMMEDIATE CASHFLOWand unlimited potential that has been stored away inside youIt is time to AWAKEN!
Awaken to your wildest dreams becoming every day reality...
Awaken to endless rivers of cash-flow making their way to your front door...
Awaken to the closest kept secret of the super-rich...
Imagine the feeling of seeing everything you ever imagined come to fruition, as you reach complete harmony with all there ever was and all that there ever will be...
Imagine having the ability to reach this magical place anytime you wish...
Imagine welcoming $100's of new dollars into your life daily as you begin... release the stresses and burdens of your daily life!
The hailstorm of to-do’s, your job, your bills, your family, your errands…
You desperately need a place to escape, to recharge, to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit… to fill up your cup with new hope, to not only replenish yourself but also your closest loved ones...
Because without that place, you will be unable to life your life to the fullest, and experience the
divine destiny you were called to live out!
What is this divine message you may wonder?
A message so special and transformative it has the potential to change your life within minutes of harnessing it.. and change everything you THINK you know about the universe almost overnight?A message that can unshackle you from the money struggles, the unfulfilling relationships, the low self confidence, the deep rooted hurt... and replace it with abundance, affluence and new wealth.
The message is simple, and one you may already know deep within.
And the message is this:
Your world, your experiences, your thoughts and emotions… everything you know is in fact all just a dream.
And if this has shocked you to hear… ask yourself this:
Do you dream at night?
Indulge me for a moment, because this is very important.The truth is, you dream almost every single night as you fall asleep (whether you can remember these dreams or not)...
But how exactly is it possible that you rarely even notice?
Have you ever experienced a dream that feels so real, so detailed, so authentic that you had to “wake up” to realize it was actually "just a dream…"
Then you KNOW the power of this magical place, only found in peaceful slumber.
In your dreams, you are building entire worlds like an architect designing the Empire State Building… only in this dream state, there are no RULES. The laws that govern us on this earth simply don’t apply...
You are able to move around the world you design at will, shapeshifting. You are able to experience the world in 3rd person, like a character in a video game.
You are able to do and be things you only imagined of in your conscious reality.
Because in your dreams, you truly are LIMITLESS...
And in the next 10 minutes, I’ll show you how you can access the very same power of your limitless dream state, while being fully awake and present in your every day reality!
A secret so powerful, used by the worlds most powerfulbillionaires and enlightened beings alike…
A secret that allows you to give perfect instructions to the universe for how much of your limitless fortune you wish to tap into - and it delivers!I had to survive a freak accident to discover this myself.
But you my dear... you won't have none of that.
You get to skip ahead to the banquet of celestial treats that are just around the corner:
A healthy and radiant body you are proud to show off in even the most crowded of rooms...
That ability to call to light the perfect relationship, where both people feel heard and loved…
Enough money not to ever feel the stress of making a livingor paying your bills ever again…
I'm talking REAL money...
CASH that you can withdraw from an ATM, that ONLY came into being because you wished for it to be so...
Like wishing on a shooting star, except these shooting stars don't just pass once in a blue moon.. they fly by EVERY NIGHT.
How much will you wish for tonight?
$100... to get your hair done?
$500... to whisk you and your partner away to a lovers retreat?
$1,000... $5,000 or more... To finally take that all inclusive Hawaii vacation you've been dreaming of for years...
I don’t know how long this page will be online, so if you leave and come back don’t be too surprised if it’s gone. Today is your day to hear this.
Are you ready?
It’s finally time for you to discover...“The Vibrational Phenomenon.” but first... let me introduce myself...
I’m Paul Thomas, a professional life coach, yoga practitioner, and a deep believer in destiny.
More importantly, I’m about to take you by the hand on a magical journey to awaken your true potential for unlimited abundance in just 10 Minutes A Day...
I stumbled upon this beautiful secret many years ago... after a series of unfortunate events had me draw a line in the sand and start to re-write the story of my life...
Almost my entire adult life up until this point I struggled to make ends meet
It was often so bad that I would actively avoid looking at my bank balance in an attempt to trick myself into thinking that it wasn't a problem...
Because if I didn't see it, it wasn't there... right?
I came to realise that everything I believed about money had been programmed into me since I was 6 years old...
Let me take you back to my childhood...
...I always dreamed of going to Disneyland as a child. I would beg my parents every year for the chance to go just ONE time, but we never had the money.I would imagine myself standing there, talking to my favorite characters and just for a brief moment being able to escape the sadness of my day to day life.
We were incredibly broke.
in fact, I still remember the embarrassment of going to school with the same pair of holey trainers for an entire year.
It made me feel like an outsider..
I would see the other kids wearing new clothes, riding bicycles and going on summer vacations... whilst I would look on and wish that I could be more like them
As I grew up my parents would tell me that "those other parents had been dealt a lucky hand in life."
That they worked just as hard but were never given a fair chance.
My dad would complain about getting passed up for promotion every year, and my mom had been stuck working in the same cleaning job for 8 years without a pay rise.
It didn't fill me with much hope...
I remember one time asking my dad why he couldn't just go and make more money... he replied:"This is just the way it is, son... some people have a lot, some people don't"
I carried the weight of his words with me everywhere I went...
Years later I found myself falling into the same cycle as my parents...
I had somehow ended up in corporate america, working 45 hours a week doing compliance for an insurance company.
Every day I would drag myself into work, sit with a stack ofpapers and a ball point pen, and have to check every single sentence formistakes...
My only salvation? The 6 minutes I would get in the morning to drink a coffee before becoming a robot for the rest of the day.
I hated it. The environment was negative, the conversations were shallow and every day I would wake up knowing that...was draining my energy......was barely keeping the lights on.
I had a stack of papers sitting on my living room coffee table about as tall as the stack in work, and it would weigh in the back of my mind - haunting me as I went about my day...
Bills... late payments... unfiled taxes...
I knew that if I didn't figure things out soon, my life was going to get real bad, real quick...
and that's exactly what happened...
in one foul swoop... it all came crashing down!
Our entire department was being let go!They were replacing us with an overseas company and we had 2 weeks before every person in the office had to find a new job...
A wave of terror washed over me as reality started to sink in
The mountain of bills at home that was at the back of my mind was now front and center, and I was starting to panic!
I remember thinking this is the worst day of my life!
But when I arrived home my problems escalated...
I was greeted by an eviction notice pinned to my front door...
Amongst the pile of unpaid bills in my living room were a number of letters warning me that another missed payment was grounds for immediate eviction... and I missed the payment!The elephant in the room that I had been ignoring for months had finally grown up, and was now destroying my life...
I fell on the couch and stared at the floor as the weight of the situation became too much for me to bare...
I had nobody to call... I didn't even have anyone to talk to...
The pressure was so heavy that I was on the verge of giving up.
little did I know this was the universe preparing me for what was about to come...
Something that literally killed me, leaving me clinically dead for almost 10 minutes...
At this point, my life was a wreck.I had just spent the last money I had on a winter jacket that would prepare me for the cold nights on the street...
When I got a call from my cousin…
He had inherited a small chain of motels a few years back and was in town celebrating the opening of his new motel just off the highway from where I lived.
After telling him about what had happened to me, he offered to let me stay in a room that hadn't yet been furnished at the motel until things started picking up...
I looked at the digital clock on the bedside cabinet...
the time read 11:11…
That night, FATE “took the wheel.”
I was feeling terrible,
My cousin did his best to cheer me up, but I couldn't take my mind off how my life was panning out...
Somehow I ended up at rock bottom, with no idea of how I would turn things around.
The night dragged on... and by 2.45am we decided it was time to depart
My cousin called a friend to drive us home, we got in and starting making our way back to the motel...
I rolled down the window, closed my eyes, and for a moment, I actually felt good.
I had totally forgotten that my life was falling apart…
for a split-second it was like every worrying thought that was going through my mind went silent...
and in that very moment... we crashed!
I was thrown through the windshield at 75 miles per hour, hit the floor and for a brief period of time I was no longer alive...
What happened next makes the hairs on the back of my neckstand on end...
During that time, I was having an out-of-body experience.
I was seeing what I can only imagine to be... The Afterlife.
And it was the most beautiful, peaceful, loving place you can imagine.
All of my problems were gone.
My stress about money...
My feelings of self-hatred and self-doubt…
My longing for meaning in this life...
It all vanished, and I was surrounded by an infinite bounty of love.
I remember feeling the boundaries of my existence evaporate as I welcomed in an ocean of possibility and promise...
What was the universe about to tell me?
I felt the pressure build as the voice of god was about to grace my earsWhen in an instant… it was gone.
The paramedics shocked me back to life, and I was back in my body.
When I recovered and returned to the wreckage of my life a few months later…
I became obsessed with understanding what happened to me.
I thought surely there's someone on this planet that could help me recreate that feeling, so that I could regain access to the message I was moments from receiving...
I started seeing signs shortly after. Incredibly clear signs that told me that if I just kept searching I would find the answers I was was looking for.
That was when the next chapter of my life presented itself to me...
Let me share with you the man who truly awakened me to this divine secret...
Jonathan is a neuroscientist who surprisingly, focuses muchof his time studying spirituality.
We met at a conference on "How The Brain Works" that was being hosted in the city center a few weeks after my recovery...
I had heard that there have been massive breakthroughs over the last few years on understanding altered states of consciousness and near death experiences.
The man speaking when I walked into the crowd-packed room was Jonathan.
I remember it vividly almost like it was yesterday. He wastalking about the subconscious mind and how it’s the secret sabotager of ourgoals and dreams.
Then he went on to a fascinating topic about brainwaves, known as "neural rhythms" that are constantly flowing through our minds...
And how these same brainwaves were proving to be more powerful than we ever realized.
The part that caught my attention the most was when he started talking about how the brainwaves of someone going through a near death experience are extremely similar to those of life-long monks that claim to have "reached enlightenment"
I decided to go up and talk with Jonathan at the end of his presentation… we hit it off, and decided to grab dinner that night.
After telling him about my personal experience we instantly had a connection.
In fact, it didn't take long before Johnathan invited me to his lab...
and even gave me a job helping him take notes on his research...
Life started to become beautiful for me from that moment...
...I went on to discover one of Johnathan's most profound revelations…
During Near Death Experiences we reach a state of“hyper-consciousness.”..almost identical to the state that life-long monks knowas "enlightenment"
Johnathan had been working for years trying to unlock the brainwave patterns of this "altered state" and was on the verge of a BIG breakthrough that he wanted me to be a part of.A breakthrough that would take me across the other side of the world... Deep into the Himalayan mountains and throw us into a new life filled with overwhelming financial success.
I spent time mastering guided meditation techniques alongside spiritual leaders and seasoned monks...
and I learned to meditate like a true spiritual master with people who have been doing it their entire lives!
I attribute everything good that's happened in my life since, to this very trip.
Some of my wildest dreams became reality due to the insights I gained in the Himalayas!
but before I get into exactly what happened...
First, do me a favor. Take a look at your hands.
Seriously, hold your hand in front of you, and look at it.
I’ll share with you a mind-blowing idea Johnathan taught me.
The secret of the“Vibrational Phenomenon.”
When you’re looking at your hand, what do you notice?You can’t see through it.
It looks and feels solid doesn’t it?
It definitely doesn’t seem empty.
But that’s where your brain is deceiving you.
Everything in the universe, all the matter in the world, including you and your body, is mostly empty space!
About 99% empty space, according to physicists.
In reality, your hand (and everything else you can see or touch) is mostly empty.
There’s no such thing as a “solid object.”
Instead, everything is made up of energy.
This “Vibrational Phenomenon” connects everything in theUniverse: The Stars, the Moon, and You Are All Made of Vibrations.
The world-renowned physicist Michio Kaku describes the universe as “a symphony of vibrating strings.”
This Vibrational Phenomenon is what many are claiming to be…
“The Mind of God.”
And your mind is able to work together with those vibrations.I'm sure you've heard of the idea of "raising your vibration"?
Well that's because those that have learned to harness this magical force are actually living their lives on a completely different "wavelength" - a higher vibration.
They only have to think that they're going to make $1,000 the next day and it happens...
They only have to imagine their home selling for above asking price and it happens...
They only have to wish for their business to blossom and it happens...
and the beautiful part is EVERYONE has the potential to access this higher state of being
The only problem is… you’re being sabotaged.
You see... your brain has 2 key parts.
1: The conscious mind: The voice inside your head.
The conscious mind is what makes you who you are.This is the part of you that struggles to pay the bills or get that perfect body.
The person inside who never gets the respect and gratitude you deserve…
A person who’s living with stress, anxiety, and depression…
The daydreamer who’s wishing and waiting for the rewarding life full of abundance and freedom you want!
Your conscious mind would LOVE to have more money, more loving relationships, and a healthy, radiant body.
And deep down, you know exactly how to achieve all of those things!
But you’re being sabotaged by the other part of your mind…
The part that takes up 95% of your brain!
2: The Subconscious Brain (Your source of sabotage).
The “little voice inside your head” is LITERALLY little.It takes up just 5% of your brain.
Meanwhile, your subconscious mind is taking up 95% of your brain and sabotaging you…
When you decide to make more money, your subconscious brain gets in the way and says “there’s no WAY you can do that” or “do you really think you deserve to be rich?”
When you try to improve your body, your subconscious says “trust me, you don’t want to be healthy… you just want some sugar.”
And when you do your best to manifest your dreams into reality, your subconscious is busy thinking about all the stress, trauma, pain, and fear from your past.
It all happens underneath the surface, and can only beaccessed in VERY SPECIFIC CONDITIONS…
One of those conditions up until not long ago was that you had to have years of experience meditating, to get your mind into a state known as "Theta"When your mind is in this "heightened state" your subconscious mind is wide open.
A spiritual healer can then guide you through ERASING negative thought patterns and flood your mind with an ocean of positivity and build new patterns that serve you rather than destroy you.
That's exactly what John sent me to the Himalayas to do - cleanse my mind of the negative thought patterns I had stored away...
You see...
Your MIND and all the matter in the universe is made up of VIBRATIONS that are trying to synchronise
Positive energy is trying to synchronise with positive energy...
and negative energy is trying to synchronise with negative energy...
So when you finally tap into the subconscious mind and ERASE the negative thought patterns, you stop synchronising with all of the negative events in your life..
and start synchronising with POSITIVE events instead!
...and that's exactly what happened when we started harnessing the power of the VIBRATIONAL PHENOMENON
Johnathan was paying me well throughout all of this, and I hadn't spent a penny!So the first thing we did when I got back was start putting my new "positively charged mind" to the test.
I had always wanted to get into real estate so what better way to put my new found spiritual powers to the test than one of the smartest investments in history...
Except we were in the middle of the 2009 housing marketcollapse and NOBODY was buying homes...
That didn't stop us though! We had the power of the universe spurring us forward.
We attended every auction we could find for the perfect house... until we finally found one! A foreclosure that was a cool $200,000 below what we felt that it was worth.
We quickly snapped it up and got to renovating...
It didn't take us long before the house was ready to sell on Except the market was still down...
In fact many real estate agents would tell us: "nobody is buying right now" and that we shouldn't expect to sell for up to year.I still remember sitting down to meditate that night and setting the intention out to the universe to find a buyer WITHOUT a real estate agency... an impossible task for a first time seller even without the bad market.
I put a sign in the garden and grinned as I knew I was about to save $20,000 in agency commissions when my meditative manifestation came to fruition.
and what happened that very weekend?
A couple from out of town stopped by the house... and after no more than 15 minutes looking around...They Bought It!
and this wasn't the last of it either...
Month after month Johnathan and I would continue to find homes and end up selling them by ourselves, using nothing more than the pure intention that we would send out to the universe through meditation...
$20,000 turned to $50,000...
$50,000 to $100,000...
and before I knew it I was making life changing money!
My entire world soon transformed!
I moved out of my 1 bedroom apartment into a beautiful 4 bedroom town house (bought at auction of course)...I no longer had to worry about my 20 year old ford pinto breaking down on me, because I had just paid top dollar for a top of the range European import with all the bells and whistles...
Blessing after blessing came my way as I continued to learn everything there was to know about the vibrational phenomenon.
Meanwhile Johnathan had been working on a sound-wavetechnology that could completely REPLACE the hours of meditation it takes toget into theta!
He discovered that it was possible to trigger the Theta state… using sound waves, carefully calibrated to the exact frequency of the subconscious mind.
It was incredible!
He took me to his lab, and I saw it with my own eyes…
When people heard these unique soundwaves, their
subconscious brains opened up…
and that’s when we had a stroke of genius...
I wanted to see what would happen if we combined Johnathan’s subconscious-activating soundwaves…
With the guided meditation techniques that have been used for hundreds of years...
And the results were unbelievably amazing.
It was incredible to see it in action.
and when we interviewed those same people days later...
...they told us their lives were changing almost INSTANTLY!
A real estate agent who hadn't made a sale in over 3 months sold the most expensive house her company had listed!A 47 year old school teacher was offered a $15,000 pay rise after getting rejected for the same promotion that week!
A mother of 2 working a second job as a waitress was given an $842 tip the very same day as her session!
It took me months to convince Johnathan that this was ready to be seen by the public and now it is finally here!
Today, I’m sharing this unique combination of subconscious sound waves and guided meditation to access abundance, discover your purpose, and embrace your true destiny...And the truly amazing part?
You can do it right at home, and it takes just 10 minutes a day...
You will see the path in front of you and begin rewriting your destiny starting TONIGHT.
And you don’t have to do any hard work or difficult meditation.
Simply open the program, hit play, and begin the magical transformation you’ve been dreaming of…
And it’s all possible inside one simple to use system...
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