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Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 4, 2020

Startling Discovery: Ancient Secret Reveals What You Were "Coded" To Do At Birth...

How Smart People Over 35 Are Finally

"Finding Their True Calling... And Getting Paid To DoIt!"

Discover Your True Abilities  Using  This Secret Ancient Code And Enjoy A "Second Chance At Life"...WITHOUT Leaving Home
Best of All, The Secret of Your "True Calling" Is Encoded In Your DNA And The Key Unlocking It Is No Further Than Your Calendar!

April 22, 2020
From: Ric & Liz, Publishers Healthy Wealthy nWise Magazine
Re: How To Use An Ancient Calendar Secret To Find Your True Calling!
Dear Friend,

Did you know that the knowledge of who you truly are (and which career you could actually get paid to shine like a star at in this lifetime) is no further away than your own DNA - "locked in" at the exact time you were born?
Did you know that this knowledge, which you've been carrying around with you in "code form" from birth, only needs to be plugged into a special calendar to reveal it's secrets to you in pure form?
Did you know that, for over 1,750 years people used the secret code inside this calendar for deciphering who they were and where their special talents lay - but that this secret code was lost when the Roman calendar was imposed on the "New World"...which is the same one we all use today?
You probably didn't know all that...but don't worry. Most of us didn't!
Why The Missing Code To Your "True Calling"
Has Been Hidden From You Until Now
It's true...For years, people used this ancient calendar for everything from determining the best time to plant corn to knowing who they should marry - but then the Spanish came over the ocean in their ships, burning and pillaging, and that's when the old stone calendar got buried in the earth and the new, Roman calendar was made "the law."
Believe it or not, this is the very same calendar you now have hanging in your kitchen, which we've all been using for the past 2,058 years. This Roman calendar is known as the Julian Calendar (because they named it after Julius Ceasar! No kidding. It's the truth).

So what's the problem with this new calendar?

Here's the problem: It's got major flaws. You see, not only does it not contain the secret code that people used to unlock their potential in life, but it actually is missing several days (why we have leap years), ignores an entire cycle of the moon going around the earth, and has got the names of the months wrong!
Ever think it's kind of strange that October comes from "octo" (meaning "eight") - when it's actually the 10th month? Well, you're right! Reason is, when our calendar was first created, the Romans didn't even count January and February as months. The official year started on March 1st...and there were only ten months!

No wonder things have gotten screwed up...
Including losing the code you needed to use to uncover your true nature in life along with:
Who your soul mate could be
What career you would shine at (and make the most money doing)
Why it's crucial to know what your kids' code is too
Of course, you couldn't have known all this before. Almost nobody does. But the shocking thing is, what this means about discovering your true nature and how it's been covered up all these years. I'll explain in a moment (including something pretty creepy involving the number 13). But first, here's something that is going to make you extremely happy:

Decoding Your True Identity (And Starting Your New Life)Takes Just 53 Minutes

(Product is delivered instantly as it is digital, not physical)
Listen: let's be honest here. Liz and I haven't always known our true natures either - or been working in roles that fit us perfectly - by a long shot. You may not believe this, but...
Way back before we started using this system to make decisions about how to run our own company and where each of us should "fit" into the workflow day-to-day, things didn't always flow so well. In fact, sometimes they were downright disastrous...
I remember this one time in Scotland when we had a complete meltdown in the middle of a big company launch we were doing...I won't go into the details, but lets just say we were both frantic, our entire family was uprooted with nowhere to live, and our company was crashing and burning. At one point, Liz actually ended up throwing all the plans for our launch into the air and screaming:

"I Can't Do This Anymore!"

In the end, we realized everything was crashing and burning on us simply because Liz was being forced to do the type of thing she wasn't meant to do, according to the code of this ancient calendar.
At that point I sat down with her, took her by the hands, looked her in the eye and said, "Liz, you don't have to do this anymore...let's look back at the code from the calendar and what it says we should do." And that's when things started to change for us.
I'm only telling you this because I want you to know we understand what it's like to be horribly unhappy in the job or role you're in, but feel like there's no escape... You don't feel like anything can change about your situation because:
a. Someone has to do everything you do, right?
b. There's simply not enough time to change things
c. Where's the money going to come from?...
Here's the good news: You don't need a lot of money (it takes less than $20 in fact), and you don't need a lot of time to find out your true nature and start feeling the difference today. All you really need is your birth date, your birth time, and about 53 minutes to listen to a fascinating message all about you...

The Secret Message That Will Change

Your Life Is 53 Minutes Long
After experiencing the huge difference it made in our own lives, Liz and I said "Ok, we've held onto this secret far too long. We've got to make this code available to people like they don't have to spend years tracking it down and deciphering it all like we did!"
So here's what we've done for you today.
We've spent the past ten years tracking down the details of the code, researching the calendar and how to use it, and then testing the code on ourselves and a few people close to us (we knew they would keep it's secrets while they were being "guinea pigs" for the system - which wasn't easy, considering how people start asking questions when they see massive changes happening in your life with seemingly no effort on your part!)...

Then we boiled down everything that really worked into a system (we call it the Power Quadrant System) that is super easy to use but still incorporates everything you need to quickly "decode" your true nature and start seeing immediate change in your life!
Best of all...
We've turned it all into a single, easy-listening audio that you can turn on, sit back, put your feet up, and take in while you're sipping a latte (or tea, if that's your thing), and drink in the benefits.
For those who like to write as they listen (personally I like keeping my hands busy) there's a workbook too - but you don't have to do that part if you don't feel like it. The main thing is to listen to the 53 minute message and hear what it says about you.
Get ready because...

You Are About To Hear What An Amazing & Complex Person You Truly Are

Now, first things first: we didn't put any "fluff" or "new-agey mumbo-jumbo" into our report on you and how your special code interacts with the world (and people) around you. After all, we're talking about the "code" that was sealed into your DNA the minute you were born - and now governs all your actions today.
This is far too much of an important message for even a few non-essential minutes of recording time. So, that being said...
Here's just a few of the eye-opening revelations that you will discover inside The Message:
Whether your current job/career is the right one for you - or not!
What type of work you were really meant to be doing here on Earth (hint: it's also what makes you 
feel most alive...but it may surprise you!)
Who your perfect soul mate might be (everyones codes match up differently)
What your children's codes are and why you need to know
Who you should avoid working with at all costs (these people will simply bring you down but you 
won't know how to recognize them unless you can see their codes right off)
Why you keep having the same annoying arguments with your "significant other" (and how to stop -
even if they don't have a clue what you're onto!)
Why you shouldn't have to do home OR at work
What your spouse's secret code is (and how it lines up with yours)
How to get 50% more done in a day after making 1 simple change
What tasks people are asking you to do now...that you shouldn't have to!
How to find the perfect "superstar" career made just for you (without changing a thing about who you
What your "special gifts" are (you'll be surprised and pleased when you discover several you don't even know you have right now)
Whether someone would be a good business partner for you - or not. 
And much, much more...
But first, Liz and I both have a confession to make:

We Can't Take All The Credit For The  Power Quadrant System

First of all, we didn't discover this ancient calendar and DNA decoder ourselves.
Yes, I know it's a shock: I mean, wouldn't it be cool if we told you that we discovered this giant round stone covered in hieroglyphs while bush-whacking through the South American jungle on our latest expedition?...
Can't you just see Liz and I decked out in camo pants and pith helmets right now?
The truth is...
We did discover the secret to the code hidden inside this calendar in a rather mysterious way (it was at a Retreat fifty miles north of in Houston,Texas) where we met this white-haired lady sitting on the "verandah" while sipping lemon tea, and she told us...well, that's a story I'll tell you later). But the stone itself was discovered in the 1600's by Spanish Conquistadores.

And it's pretty well known now, I mean you can google it and read about it online if you know exactly where to look (including why the number 13 is considered unlucky today, and why buildings often don't have a 13th floor. It's because the new calendar actually hides the 13th moon and pretends there isn't one)...
But the amazing thing about this stone is that it's a big calendar in the shape of a circle. Some people even already know that. However, what they don't know is how to use the calendar to decode the DNA of who they really are...and what kind of career they are perfectly suited for (it's different for everyone).
In order to discover that, Liz and I had to spend literally years studying how this calendar works, and the system that's imbedded in it that shows you whether you're a red, blue, yellow, or white. And then, what being a red, blue, yellow or white really means. (Hint: if you're a red, you shouldn't try to work with a blue...and if you're a blue, you can't stand people who don't pay attention to detail...and so on).
Of course, if you really wanted to sift through the hundreds of websites on this ancient calendar, cross-reference the thousands of paragraphs that hint at how the color system works, and then draw up a blueprint for yourself, be our guest ;-) We're not the only ones who could do it. But...
Like I say, it has taken us 10 years to figure all this out. That's why we've boiled it all down and made it super simple for you. After doing all the research...and cross-referencing everything...and testing it out on ourselves and our closest friends for a few more years...we sat down and put only what you need to get started now into the 53 minute audio (and simple 7-page workbook) you're about to listen to. 

Warning! Try Looking This Up Yourself And You'll Go C-r-a-z-y

Ok, so you could try to literally "reinvent the wheel" and go out searching for the facts about this ancient stone calendar and the secret code hidden inside, track down the white haired woman I mentioned earlier, and then painstakingly piece together a makeshift four-color system yourself...

But why go to all that trouble when we've done all the footwork for you? I can tell you now, I've seen the webpages on this subject and there are literally THOUSANDS of them, most of which are full of false information and wild theories...
Imagine how much easier it will be to just "press play" and download a copy of the 53 minute message that will instantly reveal to you the secret hidden in your DNA at birth until now? This will save you countless frustrating days of searching for the truth...and since time is money, you'll save money, too.
I mean, if you think about it - a full eight hours of your time has got to be worth more than $17, right?

Just imagine how you'll feel when you...

Discover what you've been longing to hear about your personality all these years...
Find the perfect life path based on who you were at birth!
Enjoy real, meaningful relationships with people who respect and respond lovingly to you (while 
avoiding those who "steal your energy" and don't support you)
Experience the thrill and excitement of knowing your "true calling" starting today...
And have that attractive, "shining" confidence of someone who knows exactly who they are and
where they're going!

BEWARE: Ignoring Your True Purpose In Life Can Lead To ASpecialized Type Of Depression

Just in case all this isn't a solid enough reason to download your Power Quadrant System and listen to your secret message right now, here's a scary fact from The Oxford Program that you should know:
There is a very specific type of depression called "Career Depression" that strikes people who find themselves locked into doing work that doesn't match up with their true purpose in life. Take a quick assessment: if you fit any of the criteria below you could be in danger of developing this debilitating condition...
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you ever have nagging doubts about the future of your career?
Does your job often make you feel discouraged or depressed?
Are you unclear about your career goals or future (and unhappy as a result?)
Is a sense of joy or passion completely missing from your work?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, then you may need to take the signs of Career Depression very seriously. Here's why...
According to The Oxford Program, Career Depression generally goes through three stages:
Stage 1: Career Dissatisfaction
Stage 2: Career Demotivation
Stage 3: Career Paralysis
Obviously, you don't want to wait until you reach the "end of the line" before taking action!
In fact, in a recent study at the Australian National University it was discovered that the wrong job can actually be bad for you - worse than having no job at all!

"...research showed that people who moved from being unemployed into poor-quality jobs were significantly more likely to be depressed...than those people who remained unemployed." - Dr. Liana Leach, Centre for Mental Health Research
Let's face it: depression is a very real and debilitating condition for millions of people. It causes feelings of hopelessness, mood swings, chronic fatigue, eating disorders and even thoughts of death and dying among those who don't get help soon enough.
That's why it's so important for you to find out what you are truly meant to be doing here on Earth, and which career you will be happiest in starting today.
Why should your work be a source of depression for you, when it could be an endless source of emotional fulfillment and joyful confidence? You can avoid having to suffer through any more years of "quiet desperation" by taking action today.

Congratulations, You're About To Receive a Gift From The Universe

In As Little As 10 Minutes, You Can Start Attracting Spendable Wealth Into Your Life! Welcome dear friend,

I have an exclusive gift for you and it’s right here on this page.
A gift that is going to unleash an endless flow of prosperity, wealth and happiness into your life.
A gift that will materialise your greatest desires like magic...
In fact, it’s a gift that allows you to unlock your inner ability to harness abundance from the Universe.
Now, let me congratulate you first, because the reason you are seeing this page is not by chance… but by destiny.

You are here because the Universe has prepared a special message for you!

A message that will reveal the secret to attract anything you desire effortlessly.
Now here's something I need you to know:
You are not limited by what happened in the past…
You are not limited by your gender or age...
And you are definitely not limited by how “bad” you have been with money...

Because once you discover this secret, you can manifestprosperity and abundance in as fast as within the next 24 hours!

So, I suggest that you listen very closely to what I'm about to share with you in the next 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
As I’m going to reveal to you the hidden secret to get the Universe to give you anything that you desire.

Now, you might be wondering who am I, and why should youlisten to me?

My name is Stefan Peters.
I'm a well-known Spiritual Teacher that has helped thousands of people around the world to achieve financial abundance
Perhaps you’ve even seen me recently on Fox News, CBS, The Huffington Post, and other major media outlets.

And what I’m going to show you today is the exact samesecret that has allowed me to generate a total of $675,000 while travellingaround the world last year.

Now, before you start thinking that I’m someone who is born with a silver spoon or I have some sort of special skills…
I need to let you know that I’m just an ordinary guy and things weren't always easy for me.

Because just a few short years ago, my life was a completemess... Perhaps a lot worse than yours.

I was working in a small accounting firm as an IT staff.
The money I made clearly wasn’t enough to support my family and we could only afford to live in a rented apartment.
Even though the pay was low, for the last 15 years, I never once thought of leaving the company.
Because I believed that my boss would eventually see my loyalty for the company, and reward me with the next big promotion.
But all this changed after one incident...
One day, during my shift, I made a careless mistake that caused the company server to break down for half a day.
The next day, my boss called me into the office.

“Stefan, how could you make such a stupid mistake! Are youtired of working? Do you know that I can easily hire someone to replace you?”

​I told myself that I would work harder from now on to compensate for my mistake.
From then on, I was always the first one to reach the office and the last one to leave.
I even came in on weekends to complete my work.
I thought that things were working out and everything was going to be fine.
But as you will soon see, things weren’t going as smoothly as I imagined...

Now, just when I thought that all hope was lost, something unbelievable happened.

While heading to the grocery store one night, I saw my high school friend Richard.
It had been a long while since I met him,
And I remembered back in the day, he was forced to drop out of high school due to his family’s financial challenges.
But the Richard who was standing right in front of me was different.
He is now the owner of a multi-million dollar business and owns dozens of properties under his name.
When Richard saw me, he immediately realised that there was something wrong with me.
After I shared my story with him, he looked at me and said, "Stefan, I'm so sorry to hear this and I know it must be hard for you."
Richard thought for a moment and said,
“Well, Stefan, sometimes, hard work may not be the solutionto getting what you want. What you need is to ask the Universe and you shallreceive. That’s how I did it.”
At first, I thought Richard was being sarcastic.
Because he clearly doesn’t seem like the kind who will believe in the new age mumbo-jumbo.
But as I probed deeper, I soon realised that it wasn't the case at all.
He actually went from being heavily in debt to amillionaire, after enrolling into an online program on manifestation!
Richard reached out for his phone and sent me a message with the login details to the online program.
“Apply the techniques taught inside the program and take action,” he told me with conviction.
Seeing the transformation in Richard gave me a new hope...
Immediately after the conversation, I went back home to check out the website.
Inside, there were soundtracks, eBooks, videos on Law of Attraction and a ton of other resources.
Without hesitation, I started trying all the techniques taught in the program.
For two months, I spent 5 hours everyday listening to tracks, watching videos, and practising all kinds of rituals...
Hoping to see some positive changes in my life.
But to my disappointment, nothing has worked. There weren't any signs of my life improving. Not even one bit...
At first, I thought it failed because I was new to manifesting, so I continued to listen to the audios and practise the rituals repeatedly.
But still, it didn't work for me.
In fact, not only it was not working, it seemed to make my life worse.
Because a few days later, my rent doubled and I received an eviction notice that I have to move out of my apartment if I don’t pay the rent by Friday.
But the worst has yet to happen and you shall soon find out why…
One morning, I got a phone call for a job interview, so Irushed out of the house.
While crossing the street, someone grabbed my arm.
As I turned back, I saw an old man.
He looked at me in the eyes and said, “Young man, no matter what happens today, stay calm… We’re with you.”
Frustrated, I shook off his hand and told him to stay away from me.
“Listen, I don’t know you and I have no idea what you are talking about. But, I have no time for this, so get away from me!”
I didn’t think much about what the old man said, and rushed off for my job interview.
That evening, when I returned home.
There was no one in the house.
“Melissa, I’m back!” my voice echoed in the living room.
Then, I saw a note on the dining table. It wrote:
After reading that, my knees fell onto the ground and I broke down immediately.
At that point in time, I felt suffocated by all the bad things that were happening to me.
It seemed like the doors to abundance, love and wealth were all closed for me.
And no matter what I’ve done, I just couldn’t get myself out of the situation I was in.
Kind of like being stuck in quicksand, the harder you try to get out, the deeper you sink in...
But what happened next completely changed my life. In fact,I can still vividly remember the whole incident like it happened yesterday...
That night, I was standing on top of the bridge, planning to take my own life.
Looking down at the river, I felt like a loser.
It was clear to me that my life had no meaning…
And there was no reason to continue living.
I was constantly failing and being pathetic at everything.
I was tired of existence and I just wanted it to be over.
Just when I was about to jump, suddenly there was a strong cold wind blowing right at me.
It was at that exact moment, I heard a voice from the back,
“Listen, dear one, not all hope is lost. There’s still timeand we’re with you!”
Immediately, someone grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me down from the railing.
When I finally got a hold of myself,
I looked up at the man who had just saved me, and I was speechless…
It was the same guy that I met earlier.
The same guy that grabbed my arm in the street when I was rushing for my job interview.
“So, how the heck did this old man know my name?”
“How did he know that I would attempt suicide tonight?”
“And, why is he saving me?”
All these questions started flooding my mind all at once, and I tried hard to figure out what exactly was going on...
He smiled when he saw my confused look.
“I know what you’re thinking Stefan. I know everything thathappened to you, because the Universe sent me to help you.”
Turns out the old man is called Theodore Luck and he has been practicing the ancient art of manifestation since he was five.
In fact, his family are all spiritual guides.
And it is a traditional practice that has been passed down from generation to generation.
As spiritual guides, they are destined to provide spiritual guidance to people that are lost.
Think of them as shepherds leading the sheep.
And it’s their task to bring those “lost” sheep back home.
“Alright, if the Universe really wants to help me, then why am I in such a bad state?” I exclaimed.
Theodore reached out to his bag and passed me an old, faded looking mp3 player,
“I know it has been hard for you. But the Universe has itsown plan. Listen to this and it will change everything for you.''
After I went home that night, I sat down on my sofa with the MP3 player in my hand
I was hesitant to listen because I didn’t want to be disappointed again..
.However, from my conversation with Theodore, I could feel that he was different…
He has an aura of peace & tranquillity around him that I can’t explain.
“What if Theodore was really sent by the Universe to helpme? Maybe this MP3 player is the answer to all my prayers? I mean, I havenothing more to lose, why don’t I just give it a try?
So I took the MP3 player and pressed the “play” button.
I gently closed my eyes and the audio track started playing.
It was some kind of weird music that I have never heardbefore…
As I continued listening, I started to experience a strange kind of peace and calmness in my mind.
For the first time in my life, I could feel all my muscles relaxing, and my body as light as a feather…
All the worries that I have been feeling recently, were suddenly lifted off my mind...
I was so overwhelmed by incredible gratitude and emotional warmth that I was on the verge of crying.
The audio track was only a few minutes but it felt like I’ve just had a deep and relaxing sleep…
And right at that moment, from the corner of my eye, I saw the eviction notice for my apartment.
A total of $2000 to be paid by Friday.
Money that I didn’t have...
“How I wished I had enough money to pay for this.” I sat down on my sofa, trying to think of ways to pay for the rent.
Because I just couldn’t imagine myself living on the streets.
Right at that moment, my phone rang.
It was from my friend who introduced me to the investment scheme.
“Stefan, how have you been? I’m sorry to hear what happenedbetween you and Melissa… But hey, I just got my bonus so I can return you$2,000 first. Let’s meet tomorrow?” he said.
As unbelievable as it may sound…
It was exactly $2000 that I needed to pay for my rent!
I paused for a moment.
“Okay, Stefan... calm down. This isn’t real. You must be dreaming.”
I pinched my face a few times to make sure I was fully awake.
Was it due to Theodore’s audio tracks?
I wasn’t sure but I continued listening to the tracks…
As I was afraid that if I stop listening, the miracle that I just experienced might disappear.
To my disbelief, ever since that day, more miracles startedhappening in my life!
For the past few months, I started working as a freelance software engineer
Whenever I posted a job gig online, I will receive dozens of requests almost immediately.
One of my clients even offered me $15,000 in retainer fees!
And in less than a month, I was able to generate an amazing income of $45,000!
To be honest, I was so shocked because I've NEVER made so much money in my life…
Miracles continued to appear again and again!
I couldn't believe how quickly it all happened.
I was certain that the secret behind the success was all due to the tracks in the MP3 player
Because ever since I started listening to the audio tracks, it was like opening up to a whole new world of abundance and miracles…
Money FINALLY started flowing freely towards me.
So, I immediately contacted Theodore for a meet-up to understand more about the tracks.
And what I discovered next shocked me…
You see, according to the latest Quantum Physics research, everything, including us are made up of either positive or negative energy.
The things we desire in life are made up of positive energy.
Things such as getting a pay raise, winning random lotteries, or finding your soulmate.
And the things we want to avoid in life are made up of negative energy.
For example, losing your job, getting into debts, broken relationships or getting sick.
And if we want to attract the things that we desire in life, we ourselves have to be in sync with the same type of energy we want to attract!
In other words, we have to be emitting positive energy around us, in order to attract the good things in life.
So if you have been facing bad luck and troubles in your life, what this means is that you have been emitting negative energy around you.
Now, I’m sure the question you have in your mind right now is:

How can I remove negative energy from my life?

Well, the sad truth is… you can’t just remove or destroy negative energy...
Here’s why.
Because based on what Albert Einstein had discovered and is even proven till this day: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted.
And here’s what Theodore Luck shared with me,

"The only way to live a life of abundance and miracles,is to convert the negative energy inside you into positive energy."

And he found out that the conversion can be easily done with any Law of Attraction techniques such as visualising, affirmations or even writing a dream journal.
Now, before you start thinking:
“Stefan, I have tried Law of Attraction before and it didn’t work for me!”

I need you to pay very close attention to what I’m about toreveal next…

Because that was exactly what I told Theodore when he mentioned about the Law of Attraction.
And what Theodore shared with me next, made complete sense.
You see, the only reason why Law of Attraction is not working for you is because you are trapped.
You are trapped by a hidden force that is preventing you from converting negative energy into positive energy.

In other words, this hidden force is keeping you in a highnegative energy state!

And, according to neuroscientists from Harvard, "This “hidden force” is the reason why bad and unlucky things are sticking with you even when you tried your best to improve your life.
In fact, it can even cause you to dwell on dark thoughts and hurt your relationships with loved ones...”
This force is also known as the ‘The Mind Reaper’ asTheodore calls it.
As it is known for “stealing” people’s ability to achieve prosperity, happiness, love and abundance in their lives.
It was then that I came to the realisation,
It wasn’t because the manifestation program that Richard shared with me doesn’t work.
It was because The Mind Reaper was preventing me fromachieving financial abundance!
Now, let me ask you a question:
Have you ever felt unwanted, useless or unappreciated?
Or have negative thoughts such as:
“I’m lousy”
“I will never be rich”
“I’m destined to be a failure"
Well, the only reason why you are feeling this way is because The Mind Reaper is acting upon you.
Twisting your thoughts and emotions in your mind.
So, the real secret to transforming your life is to eliminate The Mind Reaper…
Which will then convert the negative energy that is shaping the way you feel…
Into positive energy to attract abundance & prosperity into your life.
Fortunately, a few hundred years ago, Theodore’s family had already cracked the code on how to remove The Mind Reaper…
By using specific soundtracks and sound frequencies.
The same kind of soundtracks that I have been listening to in Theodore’s MP3 player.
These ancient mystical soundtracks are called Miracle Soundwaves.
They are like weapons for the mind to get rid of The Mind Reaper.
So, in other words, once you start listening to the Miracle Soundwaves, the hidden force that is preventing negative energy from converting to positive energy will break down.
After hearing this, I was very grateful to Theodore for appearing at the right moment in my life.
“How could I ever repay your kindness?” I asked Theodore.
Theodore looked at me and smiled, “You’re welcome, Stefan. There are still millions of people trapped by the Mind Reaper, perhaps you would like to join me in my mission to help them?”
You see, I could have ended my life if not for Theodore,
Of course I was more than willing to dedicate my life to helping others find new hope in their lives too.
And all of a sudden, I had an "Aha!" moment.
Instead of going around to talk to people one by one, I thought of a more efficient way of sharing this gift from the Universe with more people.
We can upload Theodore’s Miracle Soundwaves and manifestation rituals online, so that more people can access the materials easily!
So, for the past 2 years, we’ve been tweaking and refiningall the materials into a system.
A system that has already proven to help over 2730 ordinary people to achieve their financial goals.
Introducing… Prosperity Miracles!

A system that is created and tested based on scientific research, proven to eliminate The Mind Reaper effectively.
Here’s how it works:
We’ve compiled all the techniques into a plug & play system.
Step #1: Login to the private online portal.
Step #2: Press ‘Play” and let Prosperity Miracles system does all the work for you.
Step #3: Experience prosperity and wealth flowing into your life starting today
Now, in case you are wondering that the Prosperity Miracles system is too complicated, here's the thing:
You don't need to know anything about the Law of Attraction.
You don’t need to have any prior knowledge on manifestation.
You don’t need to be good with “visualisation” techniques.
In fact, you don't need anything else besides following my simple instructions!

The system is laid out in a way that makes it simple for youto remove The Mind Reaper, where all you need to do is just press “Play”!

Nothing has worked so quickly and easily when it comes to attracting abundance from the Universe.
Picture yourself waking up the next morning, knowing that you can have absolute freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want…
Imagine having the ability to pay off all your debts and travel around the world without any financial stress...
Imagine having the energy & vitality to pursue the things you are truly passionate about!
To most people, this might sound impossible.
Just like no one thought it was possible to have a computer in the pocket until the smartphone was introduced.
Because what you are about to experience is a system that will allow you to transit into a state of prosperity and abundance.
Think of it as a meditation hack.
Achieving the effects of long-term meditation without spending months or even years, but only a matter of minutes!
And till date, the results have been nothing short of incredible.
In fact, we had a 100% Success Rate in our test group!
Most people reported dramatic results within weeks, and I’ve received more heartfelt thank you messages that I can even count!
But listen - don’t just take my word for it
Here’s what other people are saying about this breakthrough system.
Emily sent me an email 2 weeks ago, and here’s what she wrote:
And Anne Harley who posted this on her Facebook Wall:
Here’s another email testimonial from a member who just joined 5 days ago:
Prosperity Miracles system has proven to help people change from a life of struggle to one of abundance.
And I want YOU to be my next success story.
When you grab your copy of the Prosperity Miracles system, I’m going to do absolutely everything in my power to make sure you achieve your goals in the fastest and easiest way possible…
Listen, this is about giving yourself a second chance...Nothing will ever change until you're ready to make a change
Prosperity Miracles might be your final chance at making your dream life come true, and the system can bring you life-changing results literally in minutes!
But if you don't do something about it now, things will continue to get worse for you.
There are people out there who are paying me thousands of dollars for what I teach.
But for me, it’s not about money anymore.
In fact, my goal is not to make money with this system but to create amazing transformations in people’s lives.
And I have a goal to help at least 10,000 people to achievetheir financial goals this year.
This is why when I give people access to Prosperity Miracles, I don’t want people to squander this life-changing opportunity..
And if I offer this system for free, the truth is that you won’t take it seriously.
And that is doing a disservice to you because Prosperity Miracles can change your life, right here right now.
Therefore, I only want those who are committed to improve their lives and build a promising future to get their hands on this rare opportunity.
So if this sounds like you, then I suggest that you activateyour Full Access Pass to Prosperity Miracles now!
All you need is to invest in the low price you see below.
And you can be on your way to achieving the financial abundance you've always wanted.
On top of that, to make this decision a no-brainer, here’s what I’m going to do for you…
I'm giving you a 100% 'generate more wealth & abundance'guarantee today, for completely FREE!
This means you can put my Prosperity Miracles system to the test, listen to the audio tracks, try out all the methods.
And if you don’t experience an increase in your wealth, happiness, prosperity or health...
Then I don’t want your money.
All you need to do is email me at the address provided in the members’ area,
and I will refund you every single cent, with no questions asked.
Honestly, this has NEVER happened to anyone before…... because Prosperity Miracles has always proven to work time and time again.
To accept my risk-free deal, and start attracting abundance,click on the button below right now!
Includes Our Proprietary: Easy Audio App For Mobile
So, right now from the way I see it, you only have two options in front of you.
Option 1:
​You can forget everything I just shared with you. You can leave this page, hoping that someday, somehow, your life will be turned around.
Just keep doing the same thing you've been doing and ignore the problem until it's too late…
OR Option 2:
You can take advantage of the Prosperity Miracles system, and make the first step towards the new life you truly deserve.
One where you have no debts, no frustrations, no pains…
A life filled with unlimited abundance and miracles.
I know you are going to make a wise decision and start taking control of your life today.
Start attracting the things you have always desired with Prosperity Miracles.
That’s the better path. The wiser path. The only path that’s deserving for you
And I look forward to walking it with you.

Simply click on the button below and unlock the door to alife of abundance right now!

Includes Our Proprietary: Easy Audio App For Mobile
Now, you might be thinking - "Well, Stefan... let me think about it and I'll come back to this later."
Hold on a second!
Look, the worst thing you could possibly do is to leave this page now.
Because let’s be honest…
How many times have putting off what needs to be done now, caused you to lose on opportunities?
How many times has it caused you to lose precious time?
Because the truth is, the faster you seize this opportunity, the faster you get to remove The Mind Reaper.
And once you eliminate the Mind Reaper:
You can stop living from paycheck to paycheck.
You can quit from the job that you hate.
Best of all, you can start living life on your own terms!
Look, if you turn your back on this opportunity now, then how are things going to change for the better?
You see, when given the same opportunity, many people who actually need the opportunity often tell themselves,”I will do it tomorrow.”
But the tomorrow turns into weeks, months, and years and they're still in the exact same spot... Feeling anxious and helpless about their finances, unable to pay off their debts...
And I don’t want that to happen to you.
So, click on the button below to get started with ProsperityMiracles and let it change your life today!
Also, if you are thinking that this is just another scheme that is created to rip you off your hard-earned money....
It just goes to show how deep The Mind Reaper is affecting your life.
It is blocking you from seeing the treasures that the Universe has prepared for you…
But the good news is…
Once the Mind Reaper is gone from your life, you would beable to start receiving the endless prosperity and abundance that you’re meantto have!
And get this, if this small investment is stopping you from living the life that you deserve...
Then I must warn you that you might lose more… hundreds, or even thousands of dollars, if you let this opportunity pass you by.

How do I know?

Because I’ve seen people who were stuck with negative energy due to The Mind Reaper, attracting more bad luck to themselves, which eventually caused them to lose more money.
Things like unexpected health issues which resulted in expensive medical bills.
Or bad relationships with their employers which resulted in them losing their jobs.
Or making a huge loss in investments that they were so certain were safe initially.

In other words, they ended up getting themselves into more and more debt by NOT eliminating The Mind Reaper earlier
So my sincere advice to you is this, since Prosperity Miracles has already worked for thousands of others just like you.
Why not choose the easy way and let Prosperity Miracles do all the work for you.
After all, if I’m wrong, you can easily cancel the program and the money will be refunded to you!
But, let me ask you this: What if I’m right?
Your life would have a complete transformation FOREVER.
A life filled with prosperity and abundance.
Listen, your decision whether to join my system or not is not going to affect me or my lifestyle
I won’t live any differently than I do now.
My life will not change even if you decide to say no.
But…YOUR life could change dramatically if you take advantage of this rare opportunity right now.
You have everything to gain, and LITERALLY nothing to lose.

Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 4, 2020

What Is Your 10 Minute Awakening Meditation Review ?

My fellow spiritual being…

I have a message to share with you.
From deep beyond the known universe, from the eternal source of truth…
A place you’ve known of all your life, and may have even connected with during rare moments of deep meditation and prayer…
You've heard the stories…
Where your spirit escapes your physical body and for that moment, that precious and cherished moment, you are "ONE".

But what if I told you there was not only a way to access that synchronised state at will... but begin using it to transform your financial future starting in the next 24 hours? 
You see dear, you were guided to this page by something far greater than yourself today…
A divine message that's been eagerly awaiting your arrival, so read carefully and don't miss this celestial gift that just landed like a butterfly in the palm of your hand...

Because Right Now Is Your Time…

Time to open the floodgates to a river of IMMEDIATE CASHFLOWand unlimited potential that has been stored away inside you
It is time to AWAKEN!
Awaken to your wildest dreams becoming every day reality...
Awaken to endless rivers of cash-flow making their way to your front door...
Awaken to the closest kept secret of the super-rich... 

Imagine the feeling of seeing everything you ever imagined come to fruition, as you reach complete harmony with all there ever was and all that there ever will be...
Imagine having the ability to reach this magical place anytime you wish...

Imagine welcoming $100's of new dollars into your life daily as you begin... release the stresses and burdens of your daily life!
The hailstorm of to-do’s, your job, your bills, your family, your errands…
You desperately need a place to escape, to recharge, to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit… to fill up your cup with new hope, to not only replenish yourself but also your closest loved ones...
Because without that place, you will be unable to life your life to the fullest, and experience the 
divine destiny you were called to live out!

What is this divine message you may wonder?

A message so special and transformative it has the potential to change your life within minutes of harnessing it.. and change everything you THINK you know about the universe almost overnight?
A message that can unshackle you from the money struggles, the unfulfilling relationships, the low self confidence, the deep rooted hurt... and replace it with abundance, affluence and new wealth.
The message is simple, and one you may already know deep within.
And the message is this:


Your world, your experiences, your thoughts and emotions… everything you know is in fact all just a dream.
And if this has shocked you to hear… ask yourself this:

Do you dream at night?

Indulge me for a moment, because this is very important.
The truth is, you dream almost every single night as you fall asleep (whether you can remember these dreams or not)...
But how exactly is it possible that you rarely even notice?
Have you ever experienced a dream that feels so real, so detailed, so authentic that you had to “wake up” to realize it was actually "just a dream…"
Then you KNOW the power of this magical place, only found in peaceful slumber.
In your dreams, you are building entire worlds like an architect designing the Empire State Building… only in this dream state, there are no RULES. The laws that govern us on this earth simply don’t apply...
You are able to move around the world you design at will, shapeshifting. You are able to experience the world in 3rd person, like a character in a video game.
You are able to do and be things you only imagined of in your conscious reality.
Because in your dreams, you truly are LIMITLESS...
And in the next 10 minutes, I’ll show you how you can access the very same power of your limitless dream state, while being fully awake and present in your every day reality!

A secret so powerful, used by the worlds most powerfulbillionaires and enlightened beings alike…

A secret that allows you to give perfect instructions to the universe for how much of your limitless fortune you wish to tap into - and it delivers!

I had to survive a freak accident to discover this myself.
But you my dear... you won't have none of that.
You get to skip ahead to the banquet of celestial treats that are just around the corner:
A healthy and radiant body you are proud to show off in even the most crowded of rooms...
That ability to call to light the perfect relationship, where both people feel heard and loved
Enough money not to ever feel the stress of making a livingor paying your bills ever again…
I'm talking REAL money...

CASH that you can withdraw from an ATM, that ONLY came into being because you wished for it to be so...
Like wishing on a shooting star, except these shooting stars don't just pass once in a blue moon.. they fly by EVERY NIGHT.
How much will you wish for tonight?
$100... to get your hair done?
$500... to whisk you and your partner away to a lovers retreat?
$1,000... $5,000 or more... To finally take that all inclusive Hawaii vacation you've been dreaming of for years...

I’ll explain exactly how this secret works in the next few minutes, so please my fellow spiritual one, continue to read. You are destined to receive this message. This calling.
I don’t know how long this page will be online, so if you leave and come back don’t be too surprised if it’s gone. Today is your day to hear this.

Are you ready?

It’s finally time for you to discover...
“The Vibrational Phenomenon.” but first... let me introduce myself...
I’m Paul Thomas, a professional life coach, yoga practitioner, and a deep believer in destiny.
More importantly, I’m about to take you by the hand on a magical journey to awaken your true potential for unlimited abundance in just 10 Minutes A Day...
I stumbled upon this beautiful secret many years ago... after a series of unfortunate events had me draw a line in the sand and start to re-write the story of my life...
Almost my entire adult life up until this point I struggled to make ends meet
It was often so bad that I would actively avoid looking at my bank balance in an attempt to trick myself into thinking that it wasn't a problem...
Because if I didn't see it, it wasn't there... right?
I came to realise that everything I believed about money had been programmed into me since I was 6 years old...

Let me take you back to my childhood...

...I always dreamed of going to Disneyland as a child. I would beg my parents every year for the chance to go just ONE time, but we never had the money.

I would imagine myself standing there, talking to my favorite characters and just for a brief moment being able to escape the sadness of my day to day life.
We were incredibly broke.

in fact, I still remember the embarrassment of going to school with the same pair of holey trainers for an entire year.
It made me feel like an outsider..
I would see the other kids wearing new clothes, riding bicycles and going on summer vacations... whilst I would look on and wish that I could be more like them
As I grew up my parents would tell me that "those other parents had been dealt a lucky hand in life."
That they worked just as hard but were never given a fair chance.
My dad would complain about getting passed up for promotion every year, and my mom had been stuck working in the same cleaning job for 8 years without a pay rise.

It didn't fill me with much hope...

I remember one time asking my dad why he couldn't just go and make more money... he replied:
"This is just the way it is, son... some people have a lot, some people don't"
I carried the weight of his words with me everywhere I went...
Years later I found myself falling into the same cycle as my parents...
I had somehow ended up in corporate america,  working 45 hours a week doing compliance for an insurance company.
Every day I would drag myself into work, sit with a stack ofpapers and a ball point pen, and have to check every single sentence formistakes...

My only salvation? The 6 minutes I would get in the morning to drink a coffee before becoming a robot for the rest of the day.

I hated it. The environment was negative, the conversations were shallow and every day I would wake up knowing that...was draining my energy......was barely keeping the lights on.
I had a stack of papers sitting on my living room coffee table about as tall as the stack in work, and it would weigh in the back of my mind - haunting me as I went about my day...
Bills... late payments... unfiled taxes...

I knew that if I didn't figure things out soon, my life was going to get real bad, real quick...
and that's exactly what happened...

in one foul swoop... it all came crashing down!

Our entire department was being let go!
They were replacing us with an overseas company and we had 2 weeks before every person in the office had to find a new job...
A wave of terror washed over me as reality started to sink in
The mountain of bills at home that was at the back of my mind was now front and center, and I was starting to panic!
I remember thinking this is the worst day of my life!
But when I arrived home my problems escalated...

I was greeted by an eviction notice pinned to my front door...

Amongst the pile of unpaid bills in my living room were a number of letters warning me that another missed payment was grounds for immediate eviction... and I missed the payment!
The elephant in the room that I had been ignoring for months had finally grown up, and was now destroying my life...
I fell on the couch and stared at the floor as the weight of the situation became too much for me to bare...
I had nobody to call... I didn't even have anyone to talk to...
The pressure was so heavy that I was on the verge of giving up.
little did I know this was the universe preparing me for what was about to come...

Something that literally killed me, leaving me clinically dead for almost 10 minutes...

At this point, my life was a wreck.
I had just spent the last money I had on a winter jacket that would prepare me for the cold nights on the street...
When I got a call from my cousin…
He had inherited a small chain of motels a few years back and was in town celebrating the opening of his new motel just off the highway from where I lived.
After telling him about what had happened to me, he offered to let me stay in a room that hadn't yet been furnished at the motel until things started picking up...

I looked at the digital clock on the bedside cabinet...
the time read 11:11…
That night, FATE “took the wheel.”
I was feeling terrible,

My cousin did his best to cheer me up, but I couldn't take my mind off how my life was panning out...
Somehow I ended up at rock bottom, with no idea of how I would turn things around.
The night dragged on... and by 2.45am we decided it was time to depart
My cousin called a friend to drive us home, we got in and starting making our way back to the motel...
I rolled down the window, closed my eyes, and for a moment, I actually felt good.
I had totally forgotten that my life was falling apart…

for a split-second it was like every worrying thought that was going through my mind went silent...
and in that very moment... we crashed!

I was thrown through the windshield at 75 miles per hour, hit the floor and for a brief period of time I was no longer alive...

What happened next makes the hairs on the back of my neckstand on end...

During that time, I was having an out-of-body experience.
I was seeing what I can only imagine to be... The Afterlife.
And it was the most beautiful, peaceful, loving place you can imagine.
All of my problems were gone.
My stress about money...
My feelings of self-hatred and self-doubt…
My longing for meaning in this life...
It all vanished, and I was surrounded by an infinite bounty of love.
I remember feeling the boundaries of my existence evaporate as I welcomed in an ocean of possibility and promise...

What was the universe about to tell me?

I felt the pressure build as the voice of god was about to grace my ears

When in an instant… it was gone.
The paramedics shocked me back to life, and I was back in my body.
When I recovered and returned to the wreckage of my life a few months later…

I became obsessed with understanding what happened to me.
I thought surely there's someone on this planet that could help me recreate that feeling, so that I could regain access to the message I was moments from receiving...

I started seeing signs shortly after. Incredibly clear signs that told me that if I just kept searching  I would find the answers I was was looking for.
That was when the next chapter of my life presented itself to me...
Let me share with you the man who truly awakened me to this divine secret...
Jonathan is a neuroscientist who surprisingly, focuses muchof his time studying spirituality.
We met at a conference on "How The Brain Works" that was being hosted in the city center a few weeks after my recovery...
I had heard that there have been massive breakthroughs over the last few years on understanding altered states of consciousness and near death experiences.

The man speaking when I walked into the crowd-packed room was Jonathan.

I remember it vividly almost like it was yesterday. He wastalking about the subconscious mind and how it’s the secret sabotager of ourgoals and dreams.
Then he went on to a fascinating topic about brainwaves, known as "neural rhythms" that are constantly flowing through our minds...
And how these same brainwaves were proving to be more powerful than we ever realized.

The part that caught my attention the most was when he started talking about how the brainwaves of someone going through a near death experience are extremely similar to those of life-long monks that claim to have "reached enlightenment"
I decided to go up and talk with Jonathan at the end of his presentation… we hit it off, and decided to grab dinner that night.

After telling him about my personal experience we instantly had a connection.

In fact, it didn't take long before Johnathan invited me to his lab...
and even gave me a job helping him take notes on his research...
Life started to become beautiful for me from that moment...
...I went on to discover one of Johnathan's most profound revelations…

During Near Death Experiences we reach a state of“hyper-consciousness.”..almost identical to the state that life-long monks knowas "enlightenment"

Johnathan had been working for years trying to unlock the brainwave patterns of this "altered state" and was on the verge of a BIG breakthrough that he wanted me to be a part of.

A breakthrough that would take me across the other side of the world... Deep into the Himalayan mountains and throw us into a new life filled with overwhelming financial success.

I spent time mastering guided meditation techniques alongside spiritual leaders and seasoned monks...

and I learned to meditate like a true spiritual master with people who have been doing it their entire lives!
I attribute everything good that's happened in my life since, to this very trip.
Some of my wildest dreams became reality due to the insights I gained in the Himalayas!
but before I get into exactly what happened...
First, do me a favor. Take a look at your hands.

Seriously, hold your hand in front of you, and look at it.
I’ll share with you a mind-blowing idea Johnathan taught me.

The secret of the“Vibrational Phenomenon.”

When you’re looking at your hand, what do you notice?
You can’t see through it.
It looks and feels solid doesn’t it?
It definitely doesn’t seem empty.

But that’s where your brain is deceiving you.
Everything in the universe, all the matter in the world, including you and your body, is mostly empty space!
About 99% empty space, according to physicists.
In reality, your hand (and everything else you can see or touch) is mostly empty.
There’s no such thing as a “solid object.”
Instead, everything is made up of energy.
This “Vibrational Phenomenon” connects everything in theUniverse: The Stars, the Moon, and You Are All Made of Vibrations.
The world-renowned physicist Michio Kaku describes the universe as “a symphony of vibrating strings.”
This Vibrational Phenomenon is what many are claiming to be…

“The Mind of God.”

And your mind is able to work together with those vibrations.
I'm sure you've heard of the idea of "raising your vibration"?

Well that's because those that have learned to harness this magical force are actually living their lives on a completely different "wavelength" - a higher vibration.
They only have to think that they're going to make $1,000 the next day and it happens...
They only have to imagine their home selling for above asking price and it happens...
They only have to wish for their business to blossom and it happens...
and the beautiful part is EVERYONE has the potential to access this higher state of being
The only problem is… you’re being sabotaged.
You see... your brain has 2 key parts.

1: The conscious mind: The voice inside your head.

The conscious mind is what makes you who you are.
This is the part of you that struggles to pay the bills or get that perfect body.
The person inside who never gets the respect and gratitude you deserve…
A person who’s living with stress, anxiety, and depression…
The daydreamer who’s wishing and waiting for the rewarding life full of abundance and freedom you want!
Your conscious mind would LOVE to have more money, more loving relationships, and a healthy, radiant body.
And deep down, you know exactly how to achieve all of those things!
But you’re being sabotaged by the other part of your mind…
The part that takes up 95% of your brain!

2: The Subconscious Brain (Your source of sabotage).

The “little voice inside your head” is LITERALLY little.
It takes up just 5% of your brain.
Meanwhile, your subconscious mind is taking up 95% of your brain and sabotaging you…
When you decide to make more money, your subconscious brain gets in the way and says “there’s no WAY you can do that” or “do you really think you deserve to be rich?”
When you try to improve your body, your subconscious says “trust me, you don’t want to be healthy… you just want some sugar.”
And when you do your best to manifest your dreams into reality, your subconscious is busy thinking about all the stress, trauma, pain, and fear from your past.

It all happens underneath the surface, and can only beaccessed in VERY SPECIFIC CONDITIONS…

One of those conditions up until not long ago was that you had to have years of experience meditating, to get your mind into a state known as "Theta"
When your mind is in this "heightened state" your subconscious mind is wide open.
A spiritual healer can then guide you through ERASING negative thought patterns and flood your mind with an ocean of positivity and build new patterns that serve you rather than destroy you.
That's exactly what John sent me to the Himalayas to do - cleanse my mind of the negative thought patterns I had stored away...
You see...
Your MIND and all the matter in the universe is made up of VIBRATIONS that are trying to synchronise
Positive energy is trying to synchronise with positive energy...
and negative energy is trying to synchronise with negative energy...
So when you finally tap into the subconscious mind and ERASE the negative thought patterns, you stop synchronising with all of the negative events in your life..
and start synchronising with POSITIVE events instead!

...and that's exactly what happened when we started harnessing the power of the  VIBRATIONAL PHENOMENON

Johnathan was paying me well throughout all of this, and I hadn't spent a penny!

So the first thing we did when I got back was start putting my new "positively charged mind" to the test.

I had always wanted to get into real estate so what better way to put my new found spiritual powers to the test than one of the smartest investments in history...
Except we were in the middle of the 2009 housing marketcollapse and NOBODY was buying homes...
That didn't stop us though! We had the power of the universe spurring us forward.

We attended every auction we could find for the perfect house... until we finally found one! A foreclosure that was a cool $200,000 below what we felt that it was worth.
We quickly snapped it up and got to renovating...

It didn't take us long before the house was ready to sell on Except the market was still down...

In fact many real estate agents would tell us: "nobody is buying right now" and that we shouldn't expect to sell for up to year.
I still remember sitting down to meditate that night and setting the intention out to the universe to find a buyer WITHOUT a real estate agency... an impossible task for a first time seller even without the bad market.
I put a sign in the garden and grinned as I knew I was about to save $20,000 in agency commissions when my meditative manifestation came to fruition.

and what happened that very weekend?

A couple from out of town stopped by the house... and after no more than 15 minutes looking around...
They Bought It!
and this wasn't the last of it either...
Month after month Johnathan and I would continue to find homes and end up selling them by ourselves, using nothing more than the pure intention that we would send out to the universe through meditation...
$20,000 turned to $50,000...
$50,000 to $100,000...
and before I knew it I was making life changing money!

My entire world soon transformed!

I moved out of my 1 bedroom apartment into a beautiful 4 bedroom town house (bought at auction of course)...
I no longer had to worry about my 20 year old ford pinto breaking down on me, because I had just paid top dollar for a top of the range European import with all the bells and whistles...
Blessing after blessing came my way as I continued to learn everything there was to know about the vibrational phenomenon.
Meanwhile Johnathan had been working on a sound-wavetechnology that could completely REPLACE the hours of meditation it takes toget into theta!
He discovered that it was possible to trigger the Theta state… using sound waves, carefully calibrated to the exact frequency of the subconscious mind.
It was incredible!
He took me to his lab, and I saw it with my own eyes…

When people heard these unique soundwaves, their subconscious brains opened up…
and that’s when we had a stroke of genius...

I wanted to see what would happen if we combined Johnathan’s subconscious-activating soundwaves…
With the guided meditation techniques that have been used for hundreds of years...
And the results were unbelievably amazing.
It was incredible to see it in action.
and when we interviewed those same people days later...

...they told us their lives were changing almost INSTANTLY!

A real estate agent who hadn't made a sale in over 3 months sold the most expensive house her company had listed!
A 47 year old school teacher was offered a $15,000 pay rise after getting rejected for the same promotion that week!
A mother of 2 working a second job as a waitress was given an $842 tip the very same day as her session!

It took me months to convince Johnathan that this was ready to be seen by the public and now it is finally here!

Today, I’m sharing this unique combination of subconscious sound waves and guided meditation to access abundance, discover your purpose, and embrace your true destiny...
And the truly amazing part?
You can do it right at home, and it takes just 10 minutes a day...
You will see the path in front of you and begin rewriting your destiny starting TONIGHT.
And you don’t have to do any hard work or difficult meditation.

Simply open the program, hit play, and begin the magical transformation you’ve been dreaming of…

And it’s all possible inside one simple to use system...